In this issue
Jane Hutt AM Calls For Less Cuts and Demands More Investment from George Osborne
London Tube Boss Lands Wylfa Job
CIRIA: Are your designs going with the flow?
The Construction Industry Must Innovate
Save the Date: Best Practice Conference

CIRIA: Are your designs going with the flow?

As CIRIA launch their new Sustainable Urban Drainage Manual (C753) this week we’re keen to hear how your project designs are considering SUDs and Water Sensitive Urban Drainage. 

CIRIA’s new guidance focuses on the cost-effective planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of SuDS. Schemes incorporating SuDS recognise the value of rainwater, seeking to capture, use, delay or absorb it, rather than reject it as a nuisance or problem. Sustainable drainage delivers multiple benefits. As well as delivering high quality drainage whilst supporting areas to cope better with severe rainfall, SuDS can also improve the quality of life in developments and urban spaces by making them more vibrant, visually attractive, sustainable and resilient to change by improving urban air quality, regulating building temperatures, reducing noise and delivering recreation and education opportunities. 

The SuDS Manual (C697), first published by CIRIA in 2007, is the one-stop-shop for delivering SuDS and it is this guidance that has been significantly revised. The updated SuDS Manual (now C753) incorporates the very latest research, industry practice and guidance. In delivering SuDS there is a requirement to meet the framework set out by the Government’s ‘non statutory technical standards’ and the revised SuDS Manual complements these but goes further to support the cost effective delivery of multiple benefits. Copies of the new guidance (C753) can be accessed from here.

Further information on SUDs is also available from Susdrain ( which provides guidance, case studies, facts sheets, videos, galleries, blogs and other resources to underpin the delivery of SuDS including CIRIA’s Sustainable water management for schools guidance.

This winter Welsh Government will be launching their “New interim standards for SuDS” which will align delivery with the Government’s Water Strategy aspirations. CEW will be facilitating a number of events for the industry so if you’d like to register your interest in joining these workshops please contact the CEW team for more information.

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