Generation Games
G4C Wales launched its West Wales Group last week and saw over 50 people come and find out about being a young professional in Welsh construction.
Are you part of the generation driving change in Welsh construction? If you’re not, then you might be in danger of being left behind because with over forty people attending the launch of the G4C West Wales group last week it looks like the industry has youth on its side. G4C Wales is calling for students, graduates, young professionals and newcomers to Welsh construction to join its new west Wales group based in Swansea. The response was excellent last week and there was a great atmosphere at the event. The CEW South West Wales best practice club hosted the event and Jon Williams committee member of the G4C Cardiff group explained the aims of G4C and why you should join. But don’t be left out, you can find out more about G4C Wales from the CEW team, but you can also recommend and nominate a young professional as a Young Achiever in the CEW Awards 2017.