In this issue
CEW Awards 2017: The final countdown
Down the road a piece
How can you make older buildings efficient?
Menai Science Park an Exemplar
Transport for Wales Infrastructure Delivery Partner (IDP), Procurement Strategy Update
Let’s talk about disability - the benefits of creating an open and accessible workplace

South East Club Event - NEC Contract, Option Z Clauses
Title: South East Wales Best Practice Club Event - NEC Contract, Option Z Clauses
Date: Tuesday 12th September 2017
Location: Cardiff  
Time: 8.00am - 12.00pm
Cost: Free to club members - cost tbc for non-members - To become a club member please visit our Best Practice Club.

The South East Best Practice Club are pleased to present their first event of the Autumn on the NEC contract and in particular how Option Z clauses should be used. 

The event will be led by Barry Trebes of Trebes Consultancy Limited who is a well-known and well established trainer and specialist on the NEC form of contract.  He was co-author of part 4 of BS5079 on Project Management in the construction industry; NEC3 role of the supervisor and the book “Managing Reality” which sets out the practical implications of NEC3.   

The session will run in a workshop style and you will need to bring along your copy of the NEC3 (and NEC4 if you like) as forms of contract will not be provided.  The session will focus on NEC3 which will remain in existence in parallel to NEC4.

Places are limited so you will need to book early to avoid disappointment.

Non-attendance will be charged in full.

For more information and to become a Best Practice Club Member please visit our website

How to Book: To reserve your place please email CEWales Events stating your full contact details and the names of all delegates wishing to attend. Substitution of delegates can be made at any time.

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