In this issue
Good News But………………….
CEW Awards 2013 Dinner
BIM Advanced 2 - Government Soft Landings (GSL) - Llandudno
BIM Advanced 2 - Government Soft Landings (GSL) - Swansea
BIM Advanced 2 - Government Soft Landings (GSL) - Cardiff

Good News But………………….

Recently we were delighted that our friend and one time secondee Tom Mclean gained a 2:1 in his BEng in Civil Engineering degree course - Well Done Tom! During his stay at CEW Tom got involved in the Recycled Aggregate for Minor Schemes (RAMS) specification project. This work inspired him to use the subject of recycled aggregate as the topic for his dissertation. Tom has now informed us that his lecturers were very pleased with both his work and his chosen topic which was really pleasing to hear. However, the “but” in our headline is that we were a bit disappointed to hear that none of his college lecturers had heard of the RAMS project.

We have always recognised that we still have a great deal of work to do in raising awareness of the benefits of adopting the RAMS specification for use in the construction of footpaths, cycle paths, playgrounds, light vehicle parks etc. as opposed to using virgin quarried stone.

The completed specification was presented to a group of Highway Development Control Officers back in February and was, we believe, well received. This was the first step in disseminating the specification throughout the 22 Local Authorities, but Tom’s telling us about the knowledge gap in the halls of academia prompts us to think that perhaps we need to focus more effort on informing the sector committed to educating the next generation of engineers.

The RAMS specification can be read and downloaded here, so please take a look and if you are part of a place of learning and would like to know more please contact email Paul Jennings.

CEW Awards 2013 Dinner

Title: CEW Awards 2013 Dinner
Date: Friday 5th July 2013
Location: Swalec Stadium, Cardiff
Cost: £80 (+ VAT) per ticket, £800 (+ VAT) for a table of 10

Celebrating the best of the construction industry in Wales, the prestigious CEW Awards 2013 are to be held at the Swalec Stadium, Cardiff on Friday 5th July.

The success and quality of previous awards has been underlined by some of our category winners going on to scoop national recognition at the CE national awards.

If you have any queries you can email us.

We are also offering a range of sponsorship opportunities which represent a fantastic opportunity to be associated with the construction event of 2013.

How to Book: To reserve your table download an Awards 2013 table booking form and send it to us at Awards.

Accommodation: A special delegate rate has been arranged and this information can be forwarded to you once we have received your reservation.

BIM Advanced 2 - Government Soft Landings (GSL) - Llandudno

Flyer translated to Welsh below / Gweler islaw am gyfieithiad i’r Gymraeg

Title: BIM Advanced 2 - Government Soft Landings (GSL)
Date: Wednesday 4th September 2013
Location: Llandudno (venue to be confirmed on registration)
Time: 8am – 1pm (finish with lunch)
Cost: £90 (+ VAT)

Government Soft Landings (GSL) places post occupancy obligations onto Contractors and Designers and closes the loop between the actual performance of Buildings compared to Design and Constructor projections. Completing the BIM enabled approach and mandated by Whitehall for adoption on public New Build and Refurbishment projects by March 2016.

Can you afford not to understand the new processes for improved training and holdover processes and the post occupancy evaluation on projects?

As a Client it enables more efficient hand over, commissioning and predictability of Built Environment projects.

As Constructors and Designers it creates new processes and obligations that need to be administered through the project’s design and creation and into operation – for up to three years beyond Practical Completion.

In practice and adopted on exemplar projects this session helps you understand the process and practices, as always it affords you the opportunity to feedback your thoughts and comments on how this affects Wales through Constructing Excellence in Wales.

How to Book: To reserve your place please email CEWales Events stating your full contact details and the names of all delegates wishing to attend. Substitution of delegates can be made at any time.

To become a Best Practice Club member visit our club page for details.

Payments can now be made by credit/debit card.

Non-attendance by any registered delegate will be charged in full unless you have informed us by Monday 2nd September 2013.

In order to reduce wastage at our events CEW operates a policy of only notifying venue details when issuing registration confirmation. This ensures we only cater for delegates who have registered and don’t over order for individuals who may or may not turn up on the day.

CEWales Website


Teitl: BIM Lefel Uwch 2 – Glaniadau Meddal y Llywodraeth
Dyddiad: Dydd Mercher 4 Medi 2013
Lleoliad: Llandudno (lleoliad i’w gadarnhau ar ôl cofrestru)
Amser: 8am - 1pm (gyda chinio ar y diwedd)
Cost: £90 (+ TGY)

Mae Glaniadau Meddal y Llywodraeth - Government Soft Landings (GSL) yn gosod oblygiadau ar gontractwyr a dylunwyr ynghylch perfformiad adeiladau ar ôl iddynt gael eu meddiannu.  Rhaid i berfformiad adeilad wireddu’r hyn a ragwelwyd gan y dylunydd a’r adeiladydd.  Bwriad Llywodraeth San Steffan yw cyflwyno’r dull Modelu Gwybodaeth Adeiladu (BIM) ar gyfer adeiladau newydd a phrosiectau adnewyddu erbyn Mawrth 2016.

Allwch chi fforddio peidio gwybod am y gofynion newydd am well hyfforddiant a phrosesau dal drosodd (holdover), a’r rheidrwydd i werthuso adeiladau ar ôl iddynt gael eu meddiannu?

I’r cleient, mae’r drefn newydd yn gwella’r broses drosglwyddo a chomisiynu ac yn golygu llai o ansicrwydd mewn perthynas ag adeiladau newydd.

I adeiladwyr a dylunwyr, mae’n creu prosesau a dyletswyddau newydd i’w gweithredu trwy gydol cyfnodau dylunio, adeiladu a rhedeg adeilad, ac am hyd at dair blynedd wedi’r Cwblhad Ymarferol.

Bydd enghreifftiau ymarferol ac enghreifftiol y sesiwn hon yn eich helpu i ddeall y disgwyliadau newydd.  Yn ôl yr arfer, bydd cyfle ichi fyfyrio a mynegi barn am y modd yr effeithia’r newid ar Gymru drwy Adeiladu Arbenigrwydd yng Nghymru.

Sut i archebu lle: Gyrrwch ebost at CEWales Digwyddiadau gan nodi eich manylion cyswllt yn llawn ac enwi pawb sy’n dymuno mynychu. Gall amnewid cynrychiolwyr ar unrhyw adeg.

I ymaelodi â’r Clwb Arfer Gorau ewch i Dudalen y Clwb am fwy o fanylion.

Erbyn hyn mae modd talu trwy ddefnyddio cerdyn credyd neu ddebyd.

Bydd diffyg presenoldeb gan unrhyw cynrychiolydd cofrestredig yn cael ei godi yn llawn oni bai eich bod wedi dweud wrthym erbyn dydd Llun 2 Medi 2013.

Er mwyn lleihau gwastraff yn ein digwyddiadau, mae CEW yn gweithredu polisi o gadarnhau manylion y lleoliad ar ôl cofrestru’n unig. Bydd hyn yn sicrhau mai dim ond ar gyfer y rhai sydd wedi cofrestru y byddwn yn darparu ac nad ydym yn gor-archebu ar gyfer unigolion a allasai ddod heb archebu lle, neu rai nad ydynt yn troi fyny ar y diwrnod.

CEWales Gwefan

BIM Advanced 2 - Government Soft Landings (GSL) - Swansea

Flyer translated to Welsh below / Gweler islaw am gyfieithiad i’r Gymraeg

Title: BIM Advanced 2 - Government Soft Landings (GSL)
Date: Thursday 12th September 2013
Location: Swansea (venue to be confirmed on registration)
Time: 8am – 1pm (finish with lunch)
Cost: £90 (+ VAT)

Government Soft Landings (GSL) places post occupancy obligations onto Contractors and Designers and closes the loop between the actual performance of Buildings compared to Design and Constructor projections. Completing the BIM enabled approach and mandated by Whitehall for adoption on public New Build and Refurbishment projects by March 2016.

Can you afford not to understand the new processes for improved training and holdover processes and the post occupancy evaluation on projects?

As a Client it enables more efficient hand over, commissioning and predictability of Built Environment projects.

As Constructors and Designers it creates new processes and obligations that need to be administered through the project’s design and creation and into operation – for up to three years beyond Practical Completion.

In practice and adopted on exemplar projects this session helps you understand the process and practices, as always it affords you the opportunity to feedback your thoughts and comments on how this affects Wales through Constructing Excellence in Wales.

How to Book: To reserve your place please email CEWales Events stating your full contact details and the names of all delegates wishing to attend. Substitution of delegates can be made at any time.

To become a Best Practice Club member visit our club page for details.

Payments can now be made by credit/debit card.

Non-attendance by any registered delegate will be charged in full unless you have informed us by Tuesday 10th September 2013.

In order to reduce wastage at our events CEW operates a policy of only notifying venue details when issuing registration confirmation. This ensures we only cater for delegates who have registered and don’t over order for individuals who may or may not turn up on the day.

CEWales Website


Teitl: BIM Lefel Uwch 2 – Glaniadau Meddal y Llywodraeth
Dyddiad: Dydd Iau 12 Medi, 2013
Lleoliad: Abertawe (lleoliad i’w gadarnhau ar ôl cofrestru)
Amser: 8am - 1pm (gyda chinio ar y diwedd)
Cost: £90 (+ TGY)

Mae Glaniadau Meddal y Llywodraeth - Government Soft Landings (GSL) yn gosod oblygiadau ar gontractwyr a dylunwyr ynghylch perfformiad adeiladau ar ôl iddynt gael eu meddiannu.  Rhaid i berfformiad adeilad wireddu’r hyn a ragwelwyd gan y dylunydd a’r adeiladydd.  Bwriad Llywodraeth San Steffan yw cyflwyno’r dull Modelu Gwybodaeth Adeiladu (BIM) ar gyfer adeiladau newydd a phrosiectau adnewyddu erbyn Mawrth 2016.

Allwch chi fforddio peidio gwybod am y gofynion newydd am well hyfforddiant a phrosesau dal drosodd (holdover), a’r rheidrwydd i werthuso adeiladau ar ôl iddynt gael eu meddiannu?

I’r cleient, mae’r drefn newydd yn gwella’r broses drosglwyddo a chomisiynu ac yn golygu llai o ansicrwydd mewn perthynas ag adeiladau newydd.

I adeiladwyr a dylunwyr, mae’n creu prosesau a dyletswyddau newydd i’w gweithredu trwy gydol cyfnodau dylunio, adeiladu a rhedeg adeilad, ac am hyd at dair blynedd wedi’r Cwblhad Ymarferol.

Bydd enghreifftiau ymarferol ac enghreifftiol y sesiwn hon yn eich helpu i ddeall y disgwyliadau newydd.  Yn ôl yr arfer, bydd cyfle ichi fyfyrio a mynegi barn am y modd yr effeithia’r newid ar Gymru drwy Adeiladu Arbenigrwydd yng Nghymru.

Sut i archebu lle: Gyrrwch ebost at CEWales Digwyddiadau gan nodi eich manylion cyswllt yn llawn ac enwi pawb sy’n dymuno mynychu. Gall amnewid cynrychiolwyr ar unrhyw adeg.

I ymaelodi â’r Clwb Arfer Gorau ewch i Dudalen y Clwb am fwy o fanylion.

Erbyn hyn mae modd talu trwy ddefnyddio cerdyn credyd neu ddebyd.

Bydd diffyg presenoldeb gan unrhyw cynrychiolydd cofrestredig yn cael ei godi yn llawn oni bai eich bod wedi dweud wrthym erbyn Dydd Mawrth 10 Medi, 2013.

Er mwyn lleihau gwastraff yn ein digwyddiadau, mae CEW yn gweithredu polisi o gadarnhau manylion y lleoliad ar ôl cofrestru’n unig. Bydd hyn yn sicrhau mai dim ond ar gyfer y rhai sydd wedi cofrestru y byddwn yn darparu ac nad ydym yn gor-archebu ar gyfer unigolion a allasai ddod heb archebu lle, neu rai nad ydynt yn troi fyny ar y diwrnod.

CEWales Gwefan

BIM Advanced 2 - Government Soft Landings (GSL) - Cardiff

Flyer translated to Welsh below / Gweler islaw am gyfieithiad i’r Gymraeg

Title: BIM Advanced 2 - Government Soft Landings (GSL)
Date: Monday 23rd September 2013
Location: Cardiff (venue to be confirmed on registration)
Time: 8am – 1pm (finish with lunch)
Cost: £90 (+ VAT)

Government Soft Landings (GSL) places post occupancy obligations onto Contractors and Designers and closes the loop between the actual performance of Buildings compared to Design and Constructor projections. Completing the BIM enabled approach and mandated by Whitehall for adoption on public New Build and Refurbishment projects by March 2016.

Can you afford not to understand the new processes for improved training and holdover processes and the post occupancy evaluation on projects?

As a Client it enables more efficient hand over, commissioning and predictability of Built Environment projects.

As Constructors and Designers it creates new processes and obligations that need to be administered through the project’s design and creation and into operation – for up to three years beyond Practical Completion.

In practice and adopted on exemplar projects this session helps you understand the process and practices, as always it affords you the opportunity to feedback your thoughts and comments on how this affects Wales through Constructing Excellence in Wales.

How to Book: To reserve your place please email CEWales Events stating your full contact details and the names of all delegates wishing to attend. Substitution of delegates can be made at any time.

To become a Best Practice Club member visit our club page for details.

Payments can now be made by credit/debit card.

Non-attendance by any registered delegate will be charged in full unless you have informed us by Friday 20th September 2013.

In order to reduce wastage at our events CEW operates a policy of only notifying venue details when issuing registration confirmation. This ensures we only cater for delegates who have registered and don’t over order for individuals who may or may not turn up on the day.

CEWales Website


Teitl: BIM Lefel Uwch 2 – Glaniadau Meddal y Llywodraeth
Dyddiad: Dydd Llun 23 Medi, 2013
Lleoliad: Caerdydd (lleoliad i’w gadarnhau ar ôl cofrestru)
Amser: 8am - 1pm (gyda chinio ar y diwedd)
Cost: £90 (+ TGY)

Mae Glaniadau Meddal y Llywodraeth - Government Soft Landings (GSL) yn gosod oblygiadau ar gontractwyr a dylunwyr ynghylch perfformiad adeiladau ar ôl iddynt gael eu meddiannu.  Rhaid i berfformiad adeilad wireddu’r hyn a ragwelwyd gan y dylunydd a’r adeiladydd.  Bwriad Llywodraeth San Steffan yw cyflwyno’r dull Modelu Gwybodaeth Adeiladu (BIM) ar gyfer adeiladau newydd a phrosiectau adnewyddu erbyn Mawrth 2016.

Allwch chi fforddio peidio gwybod am y gofynion newydd am well hyfforddiant a phrosesau dal drosodd (holdover), a’r rheidrwydd i werthuso adeiladau ar ôl iddynt gael eu meddiannu?

I’r cleient, mae’r drefn newydd yn gwella’r broses drosglwyddo a chomisiynu ac yn golygu llai o ansicrwydd mewn perthynas ag adeiladau newydd.

I adeiladwyr a dylunwyr, mae’n creu prosesau a dyletswyddau newydd i’w gweithredu trwy gydol cyfnodau dylunio, adeiladu a rhedeg adeilad, ac am hyd at dair blynedd wedi’r Cwblhad Ymarferol.

Bydd enghreifftiau ymarferol ac enghreifftiol y sesiwn hon yn eich helpu i ddeall y disgwyliadau newydd.  Yn ôl yr arfer, bydd cyfle ichi fyfyrio a mynegi barn am y modd yr effeithia’r newid ar Gymru drwy Adeiladu Arbenigrwydd yng Nghymru.

Sut i archebu lle: Gyrrwch ebost at CEWales Digwyddiadau gan nodi eich manylion cyswllt yn llawn ac enwi pawb sy’n dymuno mynychu. Gall amnewid cynrychiolwyr ar unrhyw adeg.

I ymaelodi â’r Clwb Arfer Gorau ewch i Dudalen y Clwb am fwy o fanylion.

Erbyn hyn mae modd talu trwy ddefnyddio cerdyn credyd neu ddebyd.

Bydd diffyg presenoldeb gan unrhyw cynrychiolydd cofrestredig yn cael ei godi yn llawn oni bai eich bod wedi dweud wrthym erbyn Dydd Gwener 20 Medi, 2013.

Er mwyn lleihau gwastraff yn ein digwyddiadau, mae CEW yn gweithredu polisi o gadarnhau manylion y lleoliad ar ôl cofrestru’n unig. Bydd hyn yn sicrhau mai dim ond ar gyfer y rhai sydd wedi cofrestru y byddwn yn darparu ac nad ydym yn gor-archebu ar gyfer unigolion a allasai ddod heb archebu lle, neu rai nad ydynt yn troi fyny ar y diwrnod.

CEWales Gwefan

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