In this issue
Are you entered into the CEW Awards?
Lovell joins CEW waste team
Building Better Buildings
Surplus Reuse Initiative
Welsh Government: Energy Efficient Wales
Inclusive design in the Built Environment - who do we design for? - Aberystwyth
Welsh Government - Building Regulations Advisory Committee for Wales - Member Opportunities
CEW Awards 2016: Deadline for Entries

Building Better Buildings Breakfast Seminar - Ewloe

Welsh flyer below/Hysbyseb Cymraeg Islaw

Title: Building Better Buildings Breakfast Seminar 
Date: 23rd March 2016
Time: 8am – 10:30am
Location: Ewloe (venue confirmed on registration)
Cost: £42 including VAT

Download: Agenda

Hosted jointly with the Zero Carbon Hub this breakfast seminar will provide an opportunity to hear more about the Innovate UK’s Building Performance Evaluation (BPE) project. The seminar promises to demystify the Performance Gap and highlight the latest learning from two BPE projects.

Join us to find out more about the housing terrace and apartments at Aberfawr Terrace, Abertridwr and The Blue Bell Centre, Liverpool, designed to be the first BREEAM healthcare excellent building. Both developments have incorporated sustainable and passive design approaches and integrated renewable technologies, their evaluation has useful lessons learnt for all roles in the construction sector.

How to Book: To reserve your place please email CEWales Events stating your full contact details and the names of all delegates wishing to attend. 

Non-attendance by any registered delegate will be charged in full unless you have informed us prior to the event. 

In order to reduce wastage at our events CEW operates a policy of only notifying venue details when issuing registration confirmation. This ensures we only cater for delegates who have registered and don’t over order for individuals who may or may not turn up on the day.

Teitl: Codi Adeiladau Gwell
Dyddiad: 23Mawrth 2016
Amser: 8.00am – 10:30am
Lleoliad: Ewlo
Cost: £42 yn cynnwys TAW

Llwytho i lawr: Agenda

 Yn cael ei drefnu ar y cyd gyda’r Hyb Di-Garbon, yn y seminar cewch glywed hanes prosiect Gwerthuso Perfformiad Adeiladau Innovate UK o’r enw Building Performance Evaluation. Eglurir beth yn union yw’r Bwlch Perfformiad a thrafodir y gwersi a ddysgwyd mewn dau brosiect Gwerthuso Perfformiad Adeiladau. 

Ymunwch â ni i ganfod mwy am dai a fflatiau Rhes Aberfawr Terrace yn Abertridwr a Chanolfan y Blue Bell, Lerpwl, a ddyluniwyd i fod y ganolfan iechyd gyntaf i gyrraedd safon BREEAM rhagorol. Yn y ddau le, defnyddiwyd dulliau dylunio goddefol (passive design) a thechnolegau carbon isel. Wrth werthuso’r datblygiadau hyn dysgwyd gwersi defnyddiol ar gyfer pawb sy’n gweithio yn y sector adeiladu.

Sut i archebu lle: Mae'r digwyddiad hwn yn rhad ac am ddim, ond rhaid i chi gofrestru o flaen llaw. Gyrrwch ebost at CEWales Digwyddiadau gan nodi eich manylion cyswllt yn llawn ac enwi pawb sy’n dymuno mynychu. Gallwch newid eich cynrychiolydd ar unrhyw adeg. Codir diffyg presenoldeb gan unrhyw gynrychiolydd cofrestredig yn llawn oni bai eich bod wedi hysbysu ein cyn y digwyddiad.

Er mwyn lleihau gwastraff yn ein digwyddiadau, mae CEW yn gweithredu polisi o gadarnhau manylion y lleoliad ar ôl cofrestru’n unig. Bydd hyn yn sicrhau mai dim ond ar gyfer y rhai sydd wedi cofrestru y byddwn yn darparu ac nad ydym yn gor-archebu ar gyfer unigolion a allasai ddod heb archebu lle, neu rai nad ydynt yn.

Ewch i'n Gwefan

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