Title: CEW Best Practice Autumn Events - Tywyn Coastal Defence Scheme & A487 Porthmadog
Date: Tuesday 4th December 2012
Location: Llandudno (venue confirmed on registration)
Time: 8am -10.30am
Cost: £25 plus VAT (club members) £35 plus VAT (non-club members)
How did they do that?
There is no better way of finding out the best way of doing something than by asking someone that has done it already. That is the thinking behind the CEW autumn best practice breakfasts where we bring together the teams and decision makers responsible for the headline grabbing schemes at the 2012 CEW awards.
The series of four breakfast events will be an opportunity to ask questions about the decisions taken, the collaborative process and the influences upon the projects themselves. Each session will examine the award winning projects from the point of view of client, contractor and consultant – delving into some of the detail and digging out the evidence and examples that can be shared and used by the rest of the Welsh construction sector.
Tywyn Coastal Defence Scheme & A487 Porthmadog is the third team to showcase their success.The A487 is a strategic trunk road serving both local and national traffic needs in North Wales. Tywyn Coastal defence scheme was developed by Gwynedd Consultancy and Atkins providing an inspirational solution including an offshore breakwater and rock groynes. If you want to find out how and why they did what they did at each scheme, then come along.
To reserve your place please reply to CEWales stating your full contact details and the names of all delegates wishing to attend. Substitution of delegates can be made at any time.
To become a Best Practice Club member visit our Club Page for details
Payments can now be made by credit/debit card.
Best Practice Autumn Events:
14th November - Cardiff - United Welsh & GKR Maintenance
23rd November - Newport - Llanwern High School
In order to reduce wastage at our events CEW operates a policy of only notifying venue details when issuing registration confirmation. This ensures we only cater for delegates who have registered and don’t over order for individuals who may or may not turn up on the day.
CEW Website