Title: CIOB All Wales Meet & Greet
Date: Friday 30th November 2012
Location: The Peppermint Lounge, St Mary's Street, Cardiff
Time: 7.30pm
Cost: Free
Don't miss this opportunity to meet up with your industry and CIOB colleagues in this relaxed and informal setting.
This pre-Christmas event provides the ideal setting to catch up with old colleagues and make new contacts while enjoying our seasonal hospitality.
The first drink is on us and there will be a complimentary buffet so what have you got to lose?
Present will be local CIOB committee members (past and present) from across Wales, past speakers, CIOB Wales staff, local industry employers and other like-minded construction professionals.
We welcome your input and views on how CIOB in Wales should be run and would love to meet more of our members face to face. Doors open 7.30pm and the bar is open till late.
There is no charge but please register your intention to attend so we can cater for everyone.
Contact person: Vicky Coxon
Contact by email
Tel: 0845 0706141