In this issue
Renewable Heat for Wales
Welsh Government Videos on changes to Part L & Part B
Llanwern High School Post Occupancy Exemplar Event
South West Wales Best Practice Club - LEAD Wales - Swansea
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Welcome to our Weekly E-Bulletin

Whilst the weather is brightening up it is time to consider home improvements – specially the improvement of energy performance in Welsh homes.

It is great news that the UK Government has officially launched the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) scheme, but we have to make sure that its benefits are properly explained. This is only part of the solution to creating a sustainable, warm and low carbon Wales.

CEW is keen that Wales maximise the benefit from the RHI, Green Deal, and concepts such as ring fenced spending and zero-carbon homes, but we must be careful that the right work is undertaken. Indeed, there is a big risk that in the rush to secure funding and generate jobs and retrofit and refurbish homes and other buildings we may create a bigger problem. We have talked about this before at the Responsible Retrofit events CEW has run in January 2013. Wales urgently needs to improve the energy performance of its 1.25 million dwellings. We have the oldest housing stock in the UK with buildings accounting for 25% of all CO2 emissions in Wales. However, this work has to be done correctly otherwise there is risk that you do not just devalue a home but that it will not be healthy to live in let alone energy efficient – download our presentations to find out more.

What’s needed is data about how buildings are performing – then the right decisions can be made about how to upgrade them. Not every home will need the same systems, materials and solutions. That’s why CEW through the Wales Low Zero Carbon Hub is working alongside Government, BRE Wales, contractors, architects and suppliers to make sure the energy improvement work to Welsh homes are done right.

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