2016-17 has been another positive year of influence, impact and change because of CEW’s work but with funding ending, what happens next? Answer: plenty.
The funding for CEW changes in 2018. But we are exploring funding options for further funding to help the work continue – as there is much to be done and unfinished business to attend to. The CEW annual report summarises the impact of CEW and briefly outline some objectives going forward.
It’s no secret that the report and other statements strongly makes the case for CEW’s work continuing, despite uncertainty about Welsh Government funding from the end of March 2018. We make no apology for advocating that the work we do for Welsh construction, its wider stakeholders and those affected by construction must carry on. That is the overriding message in the annual report.
The sector has no formal representation within the Welsh Government, which means CEW’s role as an objective champion of industry best practice is more crucial than ever. To build a Wales for future generations, Welsh construction must continue to drive forward, producing the high-quality results that can only be achieved through value-based procurement and collaborative working. CEW’s work has had a real, positive impact on the Welsh built environment but there is a real risk that without CEW’s advocacy, the industry could slide back into the old adversarial culture, with price-driven tenders and short-term thinking producing substandard buildings.
CEW is the objective champion the industry needs to guide it through the challenges ahead. No one else has our influence and expertise. No one else represents the sector at every level of Welsh Government. No one else offers such a breadth of advice, guidance and support. We champion value and best practice. We promote collaborative working and integrated teams. It’s essential to a successful future for Wales. But to continue functioning effectively, we need proper funding and support.
We need your support info@cewales.org.uk