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Funding Agreed For £350m Welsh Super Hospital
Planning Health - Public Health Network Cymru
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Radyr Weir Hydroelectric Scheme - Cardiff

Welsh flyer below/Hysbyseb Cymraeg Islaw

Title: Radyr Weir Hydroelectric Scheme
Date: Monday 28th November 2016
Location: Cardiff
Time: 8am – 10.30am
Cost: Free event sponsored by Dawnus


The concept of installing hydro power on the rivers in the Cardiff area was first considered some 5 years ago as part of a Cardiff Council initiative to look at the feasibility and potential investment opportunities for renewable energy sources which would align with its responsibility to meet the Carbon reduction targets set by the UK government. A hydro feasibility study was commissioned and 5 potential sites were identified along the river Taff. Radyr weir offered the most feasible site and a business plan was put together for developing, constructing, owning and operating the facility. The concept and business model was ground breaking for the Council and as you would expect in local government involved a difficult and lengthy sign off process. Unfortunately when this process was coupled with the drastic change in the governments Renewables Incentives Scheme it created huge pressures on the programme for delivery which had to be overcome.

It was considered that the best way to deliver the project within the constraints was to adopt a collaborative approach and the project was awarded to Dawnus on a 2 stage NEC3 Contract with Early Contractor Involvement to develop the scheme and take it through planning. This approach allowed the whole team to work together collaboratively, closely manage the commercial and programme risk and ultimately implement a delivery plan that secured the essential renewables Feed in Tariff that made the business model work for the Cardiff Council.

The scheme involved the construction of a new 400kW hydroelectric power plant incorporating the installation of two Archimedean-screw turbines sited within a turbine housing located behind the eastern abutment of Radyr Weir. The turbines generate enough power to run 550 homes and require extremely low maintenance. The facility is unmanned and fully automated with the ability for remote monitoring and control. The plant can even be monitored and operated from your iPhone. NRW also required the scheme to incorporate a £1M fish pass and fish trapping facility and the scheme also includes an array of other associated infrastructure and necessary flood defences.

Come along to a joint CEW and CECA Wales presentation and tour of the project on Monday 28th November.

How to Book: To reserve your place please email stating your full contact details and the names of all delegates wishing to attend. Substitution of delegates can be made at any time.

Visit our website


Teitl: Cynllun Trydan Dwr Cored Radyr
Dyddiad: Dydd Llun 28 Tachwedd 2016 
8am - 10.30am
Cost: Am ddim

Dechreuwyd ystyried y posibilrwydd o ddefnyddio afonydd ardal Caerdydd i gynhyrchu ynni trydan dŵr tua 5 mlynedd yn ôl. Gwnaed hynny fel rhan o ymgyrch Cyngor Caerdydd i ymchwilio i ymarferoldeb a phosibiliadau buddsoddi mewn ffynonellau ynni adnewyddadwy. Roedd hyn yn cyd-fynd â dyletswydd y Cyngor i gwrdd â thargedau lleihau carbon Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig. Comisiynwyd astudiaeth trydan dŵr a nododd bum safle posibl ar Afon Taf. Cynllun cored Radyr oedd yn ymddangos fel yr un mwyaf ymarferol a lluniwyd cynllun busnes ar gyfer datblygu, adeiladu, perchnogi a gweithredu’r cynllun. Roedd y cysyniad a’r model busnes yn gwbl newydd i’r Cyngor. Fel y byddech yn disgwyl mewn corff llywodraeth leol, golygodd broses anodd a hirfaith i gael y maen i’r wal. Yn anffodus, ochr yn ochr â’r broses hon, bu newid pellgyrhaeddol yng nghymhellion y llywodraeth ar gyfer cynlluniau adnewyddadwy. Creodd heriau aruthrol yr oedd yn rhaid eu goresgyn cyn i’r cynllun weld golau dydd.

Barnwyd mai’r ffordd orau o wireddu’r cynllun, a goresgyn y cyfyngiadau, oedd cael pawb cysylltiedig â’r prosiect i weithio mewn ffordd gydweithredol. Dyfarnwyd y prosiect i Dawnus ar Gytundeb NEC3 gyda darpariaeth Ymwneud Cynnar gan y Contractwr (ECI) i ddatblygu’r cynllun o’r cychwyn cyntaf a’i lywio trwy’r camau cynllunio. O ganlyniad, bu’r tîm cyfan yn cydweithio’n agos i reoli risgiau masnachol a gweithredol y rhaglen. Cwblhawyd cynllun a arweiniodd at sicrhau’r Tariffau Bwydo Mewn (FIT) hanfodol a oedd yn golygu fod y model busnes yn gweithio i Gyngor Caerdydd.

Adeiladwyd pwerdy trydan dŵr 400kW gyda dau dyrbin sgriw-Archimedaidd o fewn adeilad ar ochr ddwyreiniol Cored Radyr. Mae’r tyrbinau’n cynhyrchu digon o bŵer i gwrdd ag anghenion 550 o dai, ac mae eu costau cynnal a chadw’n isel iawn. Nid oes angen unrhyw staff i redeg y pwerdy – mae’n gwbl awtomatig a chaiff ei fonitro a’i reoli o bell. Gallwch hyd yn oed fonitro a gweithredu’r pwerdy o’ch ffôn symudol. Gosodwyd amod gan Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru fod y cynllun ymgorffori darpariaeth £1m i alluogi pysgod i basio, a hefyd eu dal. Mae yno gyfres o nodweddion seilwaith eraill diddorol ynghyd â’r mesurau angenrheidiol i warchod rhag llifogydd.

Dewch draw i weld drosoch eich hun ar Ddydd Llun 28 Tachwedd 2016 pan fydd cyflwyniad gan CEW a  CECA Cymru a thaith o amgylch y prosiect.

Sut i archebu lle: Mae'r digwyddiad hwn yn rhad ac am ddim, ond rhaid i chi gofrestru o flaen llaw. Gyrrwch ebost at CEWales Digwyddiadau gan nodi eich manylion cyswllt yn llawn ac enwi pawb sy’n dymuno mynychu. Gallwch newid eich cynrychiolydd ar unrhyw adeg.

Ewch i'n gwefan



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