More Than 50 Firefighters Tackle Large Fire at Cardiff Recycling Centre
On Friday 28th March a significant piece of the waste management infrastructure in Wales was removed when fire broke out at Atlantic Waste’s Cardiff facility, destroying a considerable amount of plant including the Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) structure. Atlantic Waste is south east Wales’ largest waste recovery company, handling in excess of 100,000 tonnes per annum, a very high percentage of which is construction and demolition waste.
With recovery rates of plus 95% this enforced closure of the plant will cause the construction industry pause for thought – “where shall I send my waste now !” CEW will be following the situation very closely. Meanwhile on the same day across the city a High Court judgement was announced that would appear to bring us closer to having a controlled flame ignited for the first time at the Viridor Plant in Cardiff. Again, CEW will wait and watch progress.