In this issue
Hold the Phone, Open the Diary - It's Awards Time
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Welcome from Milica Kitson

Tensions in Eastern Europe are putting many of our own issues in to a sharper context. We can be grateful to live and work in a far more open and less reactionary society, but also we must celebrate the opportunities that we are presented with in Wales and even within the built environment. We have a great chance to influence how and, more specifically, what is to be built, repaired, improved and maintained within Welsh housing, schools, our healthcare system and across our infrastructure.

CEW stakeholders talk to the Government; we have representatives from the SE Wales Best Practice Club promoting Welsh construction and our economy to delegates at MIPIM next week and most of all we can continually celebrate the great work we do to provide Wales with a first class built environment that supports its economy. CEW’s mission is open ended. So long as Wales needs to create better schools and hospitals and so long as there is a demand for a low carbon economy and houses that need to more energy efficient and less waste generated from our building processes our work will continue. So, as we reach the end of one financial year and look ahead to fresh challenges – let’s pull together and deliver what Wales needs. Then we can celebrate at the CEW Awards in the summer!

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