In this issue
Construction Politics
Surface dressing at Rhyl Promenade is now complete!
Swansea Tidal Lagoon Update
Innovate UK: Win £15m Investment in Infrastructure Ideas
CEW Awards 2016

Welcome to our Weekly E-Bulletin

None of the major projects on the drawing board or resting in the files of the politicians will come to anything unless designers, engineers, builders, contractors and suppliers work closely with clients to bring them to life. That is why now, more than ever, our industry has to work hard to prove that best practice is the only way to ensure that Wales receives the landmark and world class building projects it deserves.

The new look Welsh government needs to be reminded just how good Welsh construction can be. Just observing the judging process for our CEW Awards it is clear to me that we have all the evidence. The winners of the CEW Awards are being finalised now, but it has not been an easy process. Year on year the quality increases and it’s very difficult indeed to choose overall winners in the categories. But we cannot invite all of the Welsh Government to our judging process. What we can do is send them a message and prove that our industry can and will deliver a great Welsh built environment.

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