In this issue
Demonstrating the Best in Welsh Education
RICS BIM4SME Awards Ceremony 2015
Value Wales Bulletin
Construction Enquirer: Taxman calls time on umbrella companies
Table Bookings

Welcome to our Weekly E-Bulletin

George Osborne is stealing the headlines again – but by now the construction industry is no longer fooled by political rhetoric. It is too easy to be steered by the media to focus on the bigger news events and forget that across Wales there are all sorts of great projects, schemes and designs being delivered by our industry. The progress of Ysgol Ffwrnes is the kind of scheme easily overlooked, but that encapsulates all that is great about Welsh construction. The lessons learned and the benefits gained via a collaborative approach are easy to see – but can we pass that knowledge onto the bigger, headline schemes? 

We need to be challenging the supply chain to champion collaborative working at the Financing Welsh Infrastructure event next week. There are major schemes planned in Wales and huge opportunities for applying best practice and creating projects that benefit the wider community and that are designed and delivered sustainably. But who will build and invest in them? Minister for Finance and Government Business, Jane Hutt AM . is encouraging the private sector to get more involved in delivering future infrastructure projects – so as an industry we must work with Government and all clients to support best practice. That also means making sure we all know the latest guidance and legislation around compliance in waste, equality, diversity and sustainability as well as on site safety. So look out for the events that will help ensure your organisation is a leader in Welsh construction.

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