In this issue
G4CWales - Get Involved: It’s Your Wales
All Together Now
The Harder We Try The Tougher it Gets
CPD 17 2014: BIM for small practices
CECA Workload Trends Q2 2014

Welcome to our Weekly E-Bulletin

Wales needs a big injection of construction momentum. Yes we have new projects being discussed and announced. It is great news that Interserve has recently won the £85m deal to upgrade and refurbish the Prince Charles district general hospital in Merthyr Tydfil via Designed for Life. It is exciting that Wales might have a formula one race track.

We have seen great work lauded in our own CEW Awards at the beginning of the summer – but are we getting what we want? Is Wales getting what it deserves and what it needs? Debates about the rights and wrongs of the M4 improvements are an example of the navel gazing and lack of vision we suffer from. So, we need to look to the future and more specifically the future leaders of Welsh construction. That is why CEW is putting a lot of emphasis on the role of G4C Wales. We need the vision, energy and passion of our young and new professionals entering the industry to take the Welsh built environment forward. We are doing OK, but as our school report shows – we must keep up the hard work and do better. That requires new energy and fresh resolve. And this is why we are asking for input into creating a manifesto for Wales that we can present to Government.

Tell us what you think should be in that presentation.

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