In this issue
The Welsh National Procurement Awards 2015 sponsored by The Welsh Government
CEW Awards Drop in Sessions - Swansea/Cardiff
Value Wales Bulletin
Value Wales - Transposition Date Set
Literature review of exisiting research and knowledge
Wales Green Marketplace - Wales Millenium Centre - 11th February 2015
Welsh Government - Invitation to workshop: Construction and Demolition waste guidance
Natural Resources Wales
Table Bookings

Literature review of exisiting research and knowledge

DECC commissioned BRE to undertake research to improve understanding of the performance of solid wall properties in the UK housing stock and the effect on energy post-insulation.

The first output of this research project is a literature review of existing research and knowledge on Solid Walls and Solid Wall Insulation in the UK and other countries, where relevant. The literature review considers:

  • Heat loss measurement and calculation methodologies
  • Predicted performance compared to actual energy savings
  • Occupant behaviour
  • Unintended consequences of solid wall insulation
  • Heritage and conservation
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