Welsh flyer below/Hysbyseb Cymraeg Islaw
Title: G4C Wales/CIAT/Design Circle: Christmas Charity Quiz
Date: Thursday 1st December 2016
Location: Cardiff
Time: 5.30pm - 11pm
Cost: £5
Now's the time to get a team together to join in with the annual G4C Wales, Design Circle and CIAT aspirATion Christmas Charity Quiz on Thursday 1st December. You and your team will have an opportunity to network while enjoying Christmas drinks with colleagues.
Generation for Change, or G4C Wales is a networking and development group for young professionals below the age of forty working in all sectors of the Welsh built environment.
Generation for Change, or G4C is one of the most successful and vibrant parts of Constructing Excellence in Wales. We always manage to bring together a mix of young professionals from across the construction industry who are all keen to share ideas, discuss innovative solutions for the projects they work on and improvements to the wider industry – whilst having a good time. Design Circle is the southern branch of the Royal Society of Architects in Wales [RSAW]. It represents 600 of approximately 830 registered architects across Wales and is an organisation run for and by architects and designers. It provides aprofessional and social platform for its members, as well as those of the wider construction design professions. As a membership based organisation, CIAT is owned by and operated on behalf of its members with a growing network of members who are based around the globe. This network is open to all members creating a huge resource and knowledge base.
Dress code – our Christmas jumper theme has proved popular each year so dress festively as there will be a prize for the best outfit!
How to Book: To reserve your teams place please reply to CEWales Events stating your full contact details and the names of all delegates wishing to attend. Substitution of delegates can be made at any time. Maximum of 6 per team.
Visit our Website
Teitl: G4C Cymru / CIAT / Design Circle: Cwis Elusen Nadolig
Dyddiad: Dydd Iau 1 Rhagfyr
Amser: 5.30pm - 11pm
Lleoliad: Caerdydd
Cost: £5
Dyma’r amser i hel tîm at ei gilydd ac ymuno gyda Chwis Nadolig Elusennol G4C Wales / Cymru, Design Circle a CIAT aspirATion ar ddydd Iau 1 Rhagfyr. Caiff eich tîm gyfle i rwydweithio wrth fwynhau llymaid Nadoligaidd gyda chydweithwyr.
Mae Generation for Change, neu G4C Wales / Cymru’n grŵp rhwydweithio a datblygu ar gyfer pobl ifanc o dan ddeugain oed o’r holl sectorau adeiladu amgylcheddol yng Nghymru. Generation for Change, neu G4C yw un o’r adrannau mwyaf llwyddiannus a bywiog o Adeiladu Arbenigrwydd yng Nghymru (Constructing Excellence in Wales). Rydym wastad yn ceisio dod a phobl ifanc broffesiynol ar draws y diwydiant adeiladu at ei gilydd, sydd yn awyddus i rannu syniadau, datrysiadau arloesol ar gyfer y cynlluniau maen nhw’n gweithio arnynt ac i weithio a chynnig gwelliannau i’r diwydiant yn fwy eang - wrth gael amser da!
Design Circle yw cangen ddeheuol Cymdeithas Frenhinol Penseiri Cymru (Royal Society of Architects in Wales [RSAW]). Mae’n cynrychioli 600 allan o oddeutu 830 pensaer cofrestredig ar draws Cymru, ac yn sefydliad sy’n cael ei redeg gan, ac er budd penseiri a chynllunwyr. Mae’n cynnig platfform proffesiynol a chymdeithasol ar gyfer yr aelodau, yn ogystal ag i’r rhai hynny sydd yn y diwydiant cynllunio proffesiynol ehangach.
Sefydliad yn seiliedig ar aelodaeth yw CIAT yn cael ei reoli a’i weithredu ar ran ei aelodau. Mae ganddynt rwydwaith o aelodau sy’n dal i dyfu, ac sydd wedi eu gwasgaru dros y byd i gyd. Mae’r rhwydwaith ar agor i bob aelod ac yn ffynhonnell adnoddau a gwybodaeth enfawr.
Gwisgwch siwmper Nadoligaidd - mae’r thema wedi bod yn un boblogaidd bob blwyddyn a bydd gwobr i’r wisg orau ar y noson!
Sut i archebu lle: . Gyrrwch ebost at CEWales Digwyddiadau gan nodi eich manylion cyswllt yn llawn ac enwi pawb sy’n dymuno mynychu. Uchafswm o 6 ym mhob tîm.
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