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£10 million Property Development Fund
Upcoming Events
CEW Awards 2013 Dinner
A477 St Clears to Red Roses Highways Realignment
BIM Advanced 2 - Government Soft Landings (GSL) - Llandudno
Merthyr Tydfil Town Hall – “Reducing the carbon footprint of a listed building”
BIM Advanced 2 - Government Soft Landings (GSL) - Swansea
Trawsfynydd Safestores Capping Roofs
BIM Advanced 2 - Government Soft Landings (GSL) - Cardiff
BIM4Civils – Isn’t It All About Just Building? - Cardiff
BIM4Civils – Isn’t It All About Just Building? - Swansea
5 Steps to Winning Bids in Construction - Swansea
BIM4Civils – Isn’t It All About Just Building? - Llandudno

Merthyr Tydfil Town Hall – “Reducing the carbon footprint of a listed building”

Flyer translated to Welsh below / Gweler islaw am gyfieithiad i’r Gymraeg

Title: Merthyr Tydfil Town Hall – “Reducing the carbon footprint of a listed building”
Date: Monday 17th June 2013
Location: Merthyr Tydfil (venue to be confirmed on registration)
Time: 8.30am – 11am
Cost: Free

This is your opportunity to learn how Merthyr Tydfil Housing Association, ASL Architects, Graham Construction and their other partners are delivering an Exemplar project based on the core Constructing Excellence principles of collaboration, integrated teams, committed leadership and respect for people.

Merthyr Tydfil Town Hall is an iconic Grade II listed building in the centre of the town which had fallen into disrepair. Merthyr Tydfil Housing Association (MTHA) decided to renovate the building to bring back into use and to preserve and promote the history of the building given its location as the site where the Labour party was established in Wales by Keir Hardie in 1900. MTHA recognised that refurbishment could be a catalyst for regeneration in the Merthyr area and that a more desirable environment for people to live and work would increase the demand for MTHA housing stock.

This event seeks to explain how careful attention to design and construction, a focus on low carbon methodologies and a mature approach to risk management can transform a historic listed building, of which there are many in Wales, into a cost-effective and energy efficient community facility using local labour and materials. Despite adopting a relatively traditional contract strategy, a team approach based on openness and trust is helping to ensure certainty of costs, time and quality criteria.

This is your opportunity to hear from:
• the housing association client on their approach to the project, its regenerative impact on the community, whole life cost implications and how technology is supporting energy performance and costs
• Colin King of BRE will explain how an innovative strategy based on a ‘zoned approach’ will improve the energy performance of the refurbished building, ensuring more manageable running costs for tenants and building users
• the delivery team on how they are achieving all of this and what lessons have been learnt

This project was put forward as part of the Constructing Excellence in Wales Exemplar Programme so that others can learn from the actions taken by the team to deliver economic, social and environmental benefits. Copies of the pre-construction case study will be available on the day and can also be accessed via this link.

Who should attend?
Clients and procurers – to learn how a historic listed building can be regenerated with a reduced carbon footprint.
Contractors and Consultants – to better understand how their approach to risk management and value engineering can positively support clients and procurers in developing successful projects at sensitive listed buildings.
Facilities managers and maintenance teams - to consider the impact of the design and construction stages on the whole life costs of the asset and how a refurbished and remodelled listed building can operate with a reduced carbon footprint.

Refreshments and registration will be from 8.30am and the event will commence at 9am with a presentation by the team followed by a tour of the site. The event will conclude at 11am. PPE is required for site visit.

How to Book: This event is free of charge but you must register in advance. To reserve your place please email CEWales Events stating your full contact details and the names of all delegates wishing to attend. Substitution of delegates can be made at any time.

To become a Best Practice Club member visit our Club Page for details.

Non-attendance by any registered delegate will be charged £20 unless you have informed us by Thursday 13th June.

In order to reduce wastage at our events CEW operates a policy of only notifying venue details when issuing registration confirmation. This ensures we only cater for delegates who have registered and don’t over order for individuals who may or may not turn up on the day.

CEWales Website


Teitl: Neuadd y Dref Merthyr Tudful – “Lleihau ôl troed carbon adeilad rhestredig”
Dyddiad: Dydd Llun 17 Mehefin 2013
Lleoliad: Merthyr Tudful (y lleoliad i’w gadarnhau ar ôl ichi gofrestru)
Amser: 8.30am – 11am
Cost: Am ddim

Dyma eich cyfle i weld sut mae Cymdeithas Dai Merthyr Tudful (MTHA), Penseiri ASL, Graham Construction a’u partneriaid eraill yn gweithredu prosiect enghreifftiol trwy ddilyn egwyddorion craidd Adeiladu Arbenigedd yng Nghymru, sef cydweithredu, timau integredig, arweinyddiaeth ymrwymedig a pharch i bobl.

Mae Neuadd y Dref Merthyr Tudful yn adeilad rhestredig eiconig Gradd II yng nghanol y dref a oedd yn dirywio a dadfeilio.  Penderfynodd MTHA adnewyddu’r adeilad i’w ddefnyddio unwaith eto.  Trwy wneud hynny byddent yn diogelu a hyrwyddo hanes yr adeilad pwysig hwn lle sefydlwyd y Blaid Lafur yng Nghymru gan Keir Hardie yn 1900.  Sylweddolodd MTHA y byddai’r gwaith adfer yn gatalydd ar gyfer yr ardal yn gyffredinol ac y byddai creu amgylchedd mwy dymunol i bobl fyw a gweithio ynddo yn cynyddu’r galw am dai MTHA.

Bydd digwyddiad 17 Mehefin yn dangos sut i drawsnewid adeilad hanesyddol rhestredig, y mae llawer ohonynt yng Nghymru, yn adnodd cost effeithiol ac ynni effeithlon ar gyfer y gymuned gyda llafur a deunyddiau lleol.  Cewch weld sut y gwnaed hynny drwy roi sylw gofalus i ddylunio ac adeiladu, ffocws ar ddulliau carbon isel ac ymagwedd aeddfed at reoli risgiau.  Er bod y strategaeth gontractio yn bur draddodiadol, mae ffordd o weithio agored ac ymddiriedol y tîm yn helpu i ddarparu sicrwydd ynghylch y costau, yr amserlen ac ansawdd y gwaith.

Dyma’ch cyfle i glywed oddi wrth y canlynol:

  • y cleient, sef y gymdeithas dai, ynglŷn â’u dull o weithredu’r prosiect, ei effaith yn adfywio’r gymuned, yr oblygiadau cost oes gyfan a sut y mae technoleg yn helpu i wella perfformiad a chostau ynni.
  • Colin King of BRE, yn egluro sut y bydd strategaeth arloesol seiliedig ar y defnydd o barthau (zoned approach) yn gwella perfformiad ynni’r adeilad ar ei newydd wedd, gan sicrhau fod y costau rhedeg yn rhesymol i denantiaid a defnyddwyr eraill yr adeilad.
  • y tîm gweithredol ynghylch sut y maent yn llwyddo i gyflawni hyn oll, a pha wersi a ddysgwyd.

Cyflwynwyd y prosiect fel rhan o Raglen Enghreifftiol Adeiladu Arbenigrwydd yng Nghymru er mwyn i eraill fedru dysgu oddi wrth ymdrechion y tîm i sicrhau buddion economaidd, cymdeithasol ac amgylcheddol.  Bydd copïau o’r astudiaeth achos cyn-adeiladu ar gael yn y cyfarfod, a thrwy’r linc yma. Pwy ddylai fod yno?

  • Cleientiaid a rhai sy’n caffael ac archebu gwaith – i ddysgu sut y gellir adnewyddu adeilad hanesyddol rhestredig gan leihau ei ôl troed carbon.
  • Contractwyr ac Ymgynghorwyr – i ddeall yn well sut y gall eu ffordd o reoli risgiau a pheirianneg “gwerth am arian” helpu cleientiaid a rhai sy’n caffael ac archebu gwaith i ddatblygu prosiectau llwyddiannus ar gyfer adeiladau rhestredig sensitif.
  • Rheolwyr canolfannau a’u timau cynnal a chadw – i ystyried y dylanwad a gaiff y cyfnodau dylunio ac adeiladu ar gostau oes gyfan yr ased, a sut y gellir lleihau ôl troed adeiladau rhestredig carbon pan fyddant yn weithredol drwy’r pethau a wneir yn ystod eu cyfnod adnewyddu ac ailfodelu.

Bydd lluniaeth a chofrestru o 8.30am a’r digwyddiad yn dechrau am 9am gyda chyflwyniad gan y tîm ac yna taith o amgylch y safle.  Daw’r cyfarfod i ben am 11am. Rhaid gwisgo dillad gwarchod personol (PPE) i fynd o amgylch y safle.

Sut i archebu lle: Mae'r digwyddiad hwn yn rhad ac am ddim, ond rhaid i chi gofrestru o flaen llaw. Gyrrwch ebost at CEWales Digwyddiadau gan nodi eich manylion cyswllt yn llawn ac enwi pawb sy’n dymuno mynychu. Gallwch newid eich cynrychiolydd ar unrhyw adeg.

I ymaelodi â’r Clwb Arfer Gorau ewch i Dudalen y Clwb am fwy o fanylion.

Bydd diffyg presenoldeb gan unrhyw aelod o'r clwb cofrestredig yn cael ei godi £20 oni bai eich bod wedi dweud wrthym erbyn Dydd Iau 10 Mehefin.

Er mwyn lleihau gwastraff yn ein digwyddiadau, mae CEW yn gweithredu polisi o gadarnhau manylion y lleoliad ar ôl cofrestru’n unig. Bydd hyn yn sicrhau mai dim ond ar gyfer y rhai sydd wedi cofrestru y byddwn yn darparu ac nad ydym yn gor-archebu ar gyfer unigolion a allasai ddod heb archebu lle, neu rai nad ydynt yn troi fyny ar y diwrnod.

CEWales Gwefan


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