In this issue
Welsh Government Backs CEW Waste Programme
Seconds Out
Welsh Local Authorities Capital Programme
It’s Electrifying
BEST: What Happens Next?
SBED: Project closure and Solcer house launch event

Welcome to our Weekly E-Bulletin

Swansea surplus success in Welsh construction.

The success of the CEW ‘Surplus Centre’ based at the HQ of Swansea Care & Repair in partnership with Recipro-UK proves that good ideas are infectious and that there is a desire in Wales for us to build and manage our projects sustainably. It is a wonderful and simple idea. The surplus centre provides a facility which enables the construction industry to donate their surplus materials (that may otherwise be disposed of at landfill) to charitable organisations and community projects.
What’s more it is an example of why Welsh Government is backing CEW to continue our work in construction waste and allocating over £1M to support our work advocating tactics, methods and educating the supply chain to minimise waste and maximise recycling across construction.

The Minister for Natural Resources, Carl Sargeant, announced last week that £22m of funding for Environment and Sustainable Development organisations in Wales will be shared – the CEW proportion is an indication of the importance of our work (you can read more about this below).

So, now the hard work begins. But it does not start and stop with the CEW Waste team. It relies on being met halfway by you, the industry. So, if you have views about what needs doing to reduce waste and improve the manner that it is managed on site, recycled and disposed of then contact our team.

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