One of the best ways to celebrate what is great about Welsh construction is capturing some its magic and maybe attract fresh talent to the industry is through photography. That’s why CEW is supporting ICE Wales and its annual photographic competition.
Why not join us in celebrating civil engineering in Wales by entering our annual Photo Competition
The 2016 Photo Competition and Exhibition at Mermaid Quay, Cardiff Bay was a huge success with a record number of entries and visitors and we invite you to help make the 2017 Photo Competition equally successful.
The competition is open to all schools, colleges, photo clubs, members of the public, as well as industry colleagues so please encourage your colleagues, friends and family to enter and help us to raise the profile of your profession.
More information about civil engineering for children and non-members can be found at
Prizes: Winner £200, Second Prize £100, Third Prize £50; Under 16s prize and Fairness/Inclusion/Respect e.g. the photo that best captures/promotes diversity in civil engineering (i.e. disability, gender, religion etc.)
How to enter:
1. Choose your best image(s) of any aspect of civil engineering in Wales (only 2 entries per person)
2. Check Conditions of Entry on the flyer or on information the web page
3. Send your digital photograph(s) to by 31st August 2017 (with Photo Competition 2017 & category as the subject)