Let’s talk about disability - the benefits of creating an open and accessible workplace, Cardiff 18 July 2017 17:30 - 20:00
Disabled people are more than twice as likely to be unemployed as non-disabled people. There are currently 1.3 million disabled people in the UK who are available for and want to work – a source of skills and expertise which is being overlooked.
ICE Wales Cymru's Fairness, Inclusion and Respect Sub-Group are excited to host this engaging debate looking at what the civil engineering industry can do to tap into this pool of talent to meet the future needs of our industry. The lecture will look at the barriers faced by disabled people in accessing employment and hear practical tips to make civil engineering more welcoming and accessible.
Two speakers, Dan Biddle and Helen Kane, will look at the different challenges facing people with both visible and invisible disabilities from answering a job advert to building a long-term career. They'll consider the barriers, both physical and personal, to getting a foot in the door and overcoming unconscious bias towards different types of disabilities.
The event will take place on 18th July 2017 from 5.30pm until 8pm. Refreshments will be available before the event for ‘live attendees’.
The event is kindly being sponsored by PHG Consulting Engineers Ltd.
We would be delighted if you are able to attend the event ‘live’ at their Cardiff Office, please register here.
However, if you are not able to attend live, there are other ways to participate over the web, see below for details:
Joining / participating details:
Joining from a VC device/application
Arup callers dial 14050899 or meet.amie.cowle@vmr.arup.com
External callers dial meet.amie.cowle@vmr.arup.com
Joining from Skype For Business
Click or search for meet.amie.cowle@vmr.arup.com and press the video icon to make the call
NB: Non-Arup Skype For Business/Lync attendees must be federated with Arup
Joining online (Chrome or Firefox only)
Joining by phone
Arup desk/conference room callers dial 14050899
External callers dial one of the following numbers and input the Meeting ID as 14050899