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£224m Welsh healthcare framework out to bid
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£224m Welsh healthcare framework out to bid

A new regional healthcare framework for major projects is looking for contractors. The new Welsh healthcare framework is worth £224m. The successful partners will be used to deliver individual projects worth more than £12m over four years.

Initially three national frameworks are planned covering project manager, cost advisers and supply chain partners.

Each supply chain partner must involve a constructor, two architects, two civil and structural engineers and building service engineers as well as a pair of electrical and mechanical contractors.

Interested firms must register on the eTenderwales portal by 2nd December, with bids due to be invited from shortlisted firms next April.

Bam Construction, Balfour Beatty and Interserve were successful in gaining places on the Welsh Government’s ‘Designed for Life: Building for Wales 3’ National Framework four years ago.

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