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CEW Awards 2017 Are Go!
Concrete Society Wales : Can you eat concrete?
Check out CIRIA events
20,000 New homes for Wales
Generation Games
Have you done the LENDERS Survey?
Letter from the  Future Generations Commissioner
MUD – Metro Urban Density
CEW Awards 2017 Sponsorship Opportunities

Pentrehafod Comprehensive School - Exemplar & EZW Project – Design Stage Event

 Welsh flyer below/Hysbyseb Cymraeg Islaw 

Title: Pentrehafod Comprehensive School -  Exemplar & EZW Project – Design Stage Event
Date: Tuesday 17th January 2017
Time: 8am - 10am
Location: Swansea
Cost: Free

This event will set out the aims, aspirations and challenges at the outset of the delivery of the demanding project. The refurbishment and remodelling of Pentrehafod Comprehensive School is a major project for the City and County of Swansea which will breathe new life into this well-established facility. Architects Stride Treglown are delivering the project for Swansea with contractors Morgan Sindall. The existing school buildings are currently in very poor condition with the many of the demountable units on site reaching the end of their useful life.  The new proposals will accommodate 1000 11-16 pupils, maintaining the current capacity of the school. The scheme addresses maintenance backlog issues, improves the performance of the building fabric and modifies internal layouts to move them closer to meeting current space standards. Importantly, it connects previously separate buildings by introducing a double height central social space for atrium dining. The school will benefit from a brand new entrance that will welcome staff, pupils and visitors.

Constructing Excellence in Wales is working in collaboration with the team as part of the Enabling Zero Waste scheme to provide a detailed insight into the achievability of zero waste at present, along with identifying any associated barriers to achieving the targets, and disseminating best practice, solutions and opportunities. The aim is to establish if, and how, the construction industry can achieve the zero waste targets established in the Welsh Government's waste strategy, Towards Zero Waste. The results will also help to inform the industry about planning to generate less waste, reusing materials and using more recycled content.

How to Book: To reserve your place please email CEWales Events stating your full contact details and the names of all delegates wishing to attend. Substitution of delegates can be made at any time.

Non-attendance by any registered delegate will be charged £20 plus VAT unless you have informed us by Friday 13th January 2017.

Visit our website

Teitl: Ysgol Gyfun Pentrehafod –  Prosiect Enghreifftiol a Galluogi Dyfodol Diwastraff (EZW) – Digwyddiad Cyfnod Dylunio
Dyddiad: Dydd Mawrth 17 Ionawr 2017
Lleoliad: Abertawe
Amser: 8am - 10am
Cost: Am Ddim

Bydd y cyfarfod yn ystyried amcanion, gobeithion a heriau’r prosiect uchelgeisiol hwn wrth iddo ddechrau. Adnewyddu ac ailwampio Ysgol Gyfun Pentrehafod yw un o brif gynlluniau Dinas a Sir Abertawe. Bydd yn rhoi bywyd newydd i adnodd hen. Gweithredir y prosiect gan y penseiri Stride Treglown a’r contractwyr Morgan Sindall. Mae adeiladau presennol yr ysgol mewn cyflwr drwg iawn gyda llawer o’r dosbarthiadau mewn cabanau symudol, sydd ar derfyn eu hoes ddefnyddiol. Bydd lle i 1,000 o ddisgyblion 11-16 oed yn yr ysgol ar ei newydd wedd, sef yr un nifer â chapasiti presennol yr ysgol. Bydd y cynllun yn datrys problemau a achoswyd gan ddiffyg cynnal a chadw yn y gorffennol, yn gwella perfformiad ffabrig yr adeilad ac yn addasu’r dyluniad mewnol fel bod maint y gofodau dysgu yn nes at y disgwyliadau presennol. Gwelliant pwysig fydd cydgysylltu adeiladau a oedd gynt ar wahân drwy gyflwyno atriwm bwyta a chymdeithasu o uchder dwbl. Crëir mynedfa newydd sbon i groesawu staff, disgyblion ac ymwelwyr.

Mae Adeiladu Arbenigrwydd Yng Nghymru yn gweithio ochr yn ochr â thîm y cynllun i roi gwybodaeth fanwl am ymarferoldeb cynhyrchu dim gwastraff wrth weithredu’r cynllun, gan ddwyn sylw at unrhyw rwystrau rhag cyrraedd y nod a dosbarthu gwybodaeth am yr arferion, yr atebion a’r cyfleoedd gorau. Ceisir sefydlu os, a sut, y gall y diwydiant adeiladu gyflawni targedau Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu strategaeth Tuag at Ddyfodol Diwastraff. Bydd y canlyniadau’n helpu’r diwydiant i gynllunio ar gyfer cynhyrchu llai o wastraff, ailddefnyddio ac ailgylchu mwy o ddeunydd adeiladu.

Sut i archebu lle: Mae'r digwyddiad hwn yn rhad ac am ddim, ond rhaid i chi gofrestru o flaen llaw. Gyrrwch ebost at CEWales Digwyddiadau gan nodi eich manylion cyswllt yn llawn ac enwi pawb sy’n dymuno mynychu. Gallwch newid eich cynrychiolydd ar unrhyw adeg.

Absenoldeb gan unrhyw gynrychiolydd cofrestredig codir £20 a TAW oni wedi ein hysbysu erbyn dydd Gwener 13 Ionawr 2017.

Ewch i'n gwefan

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