Climate Change and the Built Environment
Where is climate change on your agenda?
The Climate Change Commission for Wales (CCCW) and the Wales Low/Zero Carbon Hub (WLZCH) are arguing strongly that Climate Change must be high on the political agenda. In the Climate Change and Built Environment Position Paper CCCW and WLZCH sets out recommendations and priority actions following an assessment of the trends and progress made up until now.
Sustainability is now a crucial element of Welsh Government policy and since the Government assumed full policy control for the built environment in 2012, it can now turn it's aspirations into solid results whilst reinforcing it's position at the forefront of the UK in tackling climate change. The former Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development, John Griffiths stated in March 2012 that it was critical to identify and remove obstacles in delivering the climate change agenda in Wales. However, a clear and sustainable series of actions and interventions must be set in place and reported on if the Welsh Governments targets of 3% annual reduction are to be realised. That is exactly what the CCCW and WLZCH Built Environment Position Paper sets out.
Wales faces significant challenges to achieve it's targets on low carbon and sustainability. Current data provides a clear picture with buildings directly contributing around 30% of total emissions with the greatest down turn in emissions from both the residential and business sectors. There are around 700,000 non-traditional or ‘hard to treat’ properties in Wales that pose the biggest challenge. However, the process required to make Welsh homes energy efficient will benefit the country and industry as it can build Wales out of recession and be good for the environment.
The recommendations and actions put forward by the CCCW and the WLZCH in it's Climate Change and Built Environment Position Paper prioritise and advance the work of the CCCW and Welsh Government and also advise stakeholders and the public on climate change and the built environment.
Download: Built Environment Position Paper - English Download: Built Environment Position Paper - Welsh
Check out the WLZCH and the CCCW.
Download the CCCW Annual Report.
To find out more email Emma Thomas or call 02920 493322.
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