In this issue
Welsh Government Backs CEW Waste Programme
Seconds Out
Welsh Local Authorities Capital Programme
It’s Electrifying
BEST: What Happens Next?
SBED: Project closure and Solcer house launch event

Seconds Out

No longer is there a need to throw out unused site materials because there is a second life for these surplus construction materials.

A growing network of companies are benefitting from reduced site waste and disposal costs by donating surplus construction materials to the CEW ‘Surplus Centre’ which is based at the HQ of Swansea Care & Repair in the Llansamlet area of the city.

The project is supported by the construction and demolition waste team at CEW and in partnership with Recipro-UK provides a facility which diverts surplus materials (that may otherwise be disposed of at landfill) to charitable organisations and community projects. 

It’s a no-nonsense solution where fit for purpose unused materials are catalogued and uploaded to the Recipro Wales website and supplies are stored for customers to purchase. 

Technical Support Manager, Tony Berry liaises with local construction businesses and arranges the collection of good quality, surplus supplies.  He records weight, carbon savings and landfill diversion statistics of donated items which can then be used by donors as evidence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for future bids and community benefits data.

Sam Bain from Dawnus Construction Limited is Site Manager at the Burlais Primary School site at Cwmbwrla in Swansea.  A BREEAM excellent two-storey building for 525 mainstream pupils and 75 nursery pupils, the school also has a Special Teaching Facility (STF) for 27 pupils with speech, language and communication difficulties.

Approaching the end of the project, Sam had a variety of materials which were unused and not needed, he made contact with the Surplus Centre and the company donated a selection of rainwater goods for reuse in social and community projects.

Sam commented: “We are keen supporters of the Surplus Centre and Recipro Wales concept, any materials which can be used and prevented from being downcycled are donated which reduces our waste costs and helps local projects: it’s a win-win”.

Community groups, schools, social enterprises and others are able to register to use the service and access donated materials to complete refurbishment projects using unwanted but perfectly usable materials which would have otherwise been disposed of. 

To join this growing network of businesses who are reducing site waste and supporting local communities, see our web pages Reciprocity Wales or make contact directly with the project team Jim Owen on 07913 993280 or email Tony Berry  or call 07825 250963

Pictured below are Tony Berry Technical Support Manager, Care & Repair Swansea receiving a donation of surplus materials from Sam Bains, Site Manager, Dawnus Construction Ltd

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