In this issue
What are you doing at the CEW Awards?
Back to the future?
Andrew Scott wins £9m project
Progress continues at Parc y Tywyn
Bay campus underway
ICE Wales Cymru: How prepared are you for floods?
Save the date for Farmer report
CEW Awards 2017 Call for Entries
CEW Awards 2017 Sponsorship Opportunities
Waste App
The M4 Corridor Around Newport Public Inquiry

Welcome to our E-bulletin

Forecasts are looking great for Welsh construction. We have infrastructure schemes lined up, new projects beginning and plenty of headlines (just see some of our stories in this issue of the newsletter) pointing to steady work.

There is a downside. Resource. More specifically, the skills that are available for these projects and the others that are coming down the pipeline. Because, even if half of what we think makes it beyond planning to design and then on to site we need the trades and professionals to finish the job.

Right now, that could be a problem. It has been an issue we have known about for some time. That was why the UK government asked the Construction Leadership Council to identify actions to reduce the industry’s structural vulnerability to skills shortages. The Farmer Report was the result. It doesn’t make for comfortable reading. It is not the first report to set out the shortcomings of the sector’s labour model, and prevailing business model, though few have done so in such a compelling way. 

Mark Farmer, CEO of Cast Consultancy, who wrote the Farmer Report is a keynote speaker at one of our main events on 3rd May in Cardiff*. It is well worth saving the date, re-reading his report and asking some pertinent questions. In the meantime, ask yourself some questions too. Is your organisation geared up for the increase in work being forecast? Do you have the skills and people in place? How will you respond?

*Details of this event will be sent shortly but if you wish to reserve a place please contact CEWales Events

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