Title: The Concrete Society (Wales Region) Concrete Training Day
Date: Wednesday 6th March 2013
Location: University of Wales, Newport – Caerleon Campus
Time: All day event
Cost: Concrete Society Members & Employees of Member Companies can book places at the discounted price of £70.00 (inc. VAT) per person. For Non-members the ticket price is £85.00 (inc VAT).
Download: Booking Form
The annual Concrete Society Concrete Training Day provides an introduction to the concrete supply process from basic materials to site practice.
The Training Day offers an extremely cost effective opportunity to provide basic training and meet the CPD needs of many individuals and staff. Our past Concrete Training Days have proved to be enormously popular and of particular interest and benefit to graduates, recent entrants to the industry and in particular to support personnel wishing to gain an insight into the whole concrete supply chain.
The Training Day is a full day event comprising two half-day sessions. This year both the technical presentations and practical demonstrations will take palce.
The topics include:
- Binders
- Aggregates
- Admixtures
- New Standards BS8500 and EN206
- Batching and Mixing
- Transport, Placing, Compaction and Finishing Fresh and Hardened Concrete Testing
Places are likely to be limited to 25 by the available laboratory space and to enable the maximum participation by delegates. Places will be assigned on a first come basis and can only be secured by submitting the full nonrefundable cost of the course at the time of booking (delegate names may be changed at any time at no cost).
A detailed programme and location plan will be provided subsequent to booking.
A buffet lunch is included in the course fee.