In this issue
Thinking in Circles Makes Billions
Exemplar Diversity Benefits
Awards update: SME shortlist revealed
Skip Advice?
What’s holding us back?
Gower Solar Farm is the first In Wales
Energy Improvement Benefits Health of Welsh People
CEW Awards 2017 Sponsorship Opportunities

Awards update: SME shortlist revealed

Congratulations to those of you who have made it to the SME shortlist! We have received many outstanding SME entries, giving our judges a real headache. Year on year your entries demonstrate real performance improvement in the Welsh construction industry.
SME shortlist in alphabetical order:

Category 1 - 50 

Cass Hayward LLP
Lawray Architects
Rio Architects Ltd
Wynne Construction

Category 51 - 250

Contract Services Group
Jistcourt South Wales Ltd
Lloyd & Gravell Ltd
Solar Plants Ltd

We are pleased to announce that Costain & ABC Electrification are the headline sponsors for this year’s awards.

Think about how else you can get involved. Apart from booking a table and enjoying the fun why not become a sponsor? The CEW Awards dinner is the biggest night of the year for construction in Wales – if you want to be noticed, or you want to remind stakeholders what your organisation does for the industry in Wales, then talk to Sue Selkirk about becoming a CEW Awards 2017 sponsor.

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