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Cash is King
G4C Wales Manifesto
Are you ready for the CEW Awards?
Llandough Adult Mental Health Unit (LAMHU) Exemplar
Natural Resource Management Bulletin – February 2015
Table Bookings

South West Wales Best Practice Club: University of Wales Trinity Saint David - Swansea
- S

Title: South West Wales Best Practice Club – University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Date: Thursday 19th March 2015
Location: Swansea (venue confirmed on registration)
Time: 7.30am registration with tea, coffee and bacon rolls for an 8.15am start, finish 9.30am
Cost: Free to Best Practice Club Members, £35 (+ VAT) to non-members

The South West Wales Best Practice Club are pleased to present their next breakfast event with the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. Come along and listen to Jane Davidson (Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Sustainability & Engagement) and the project director for delivery present on this exciting project.  

In order to support its ambitious Estates strategy in Swansea, the University of Wales Trinity Saint David has acquired sizable areas of the remaining development land in the SA1 Waterfront area of Swansea. Following a period of masterplanning to identify the most appropriate areas of the site for the University’s core academic requirements , the intention will be to establish purpose-built facilities for learning, teaching and research as well as social, leisure and recreation space, subject to a detailed design development process.

The SA1 opportunity will enable flexible teaching space and applied research facilities to be developed, and for these to be integrated with business and the wider community. It will also enable student support services, a student union, library, sports and leisure facilities to be developed alongside or integrated with other community and commercial facilities. There could also be an opportunity to develop modern on-campus student residences alongside other city living housing and possibly shared facilities and services for the co-location of Further Education partners

The University intends to create the right economic and social context to bring added economic and cultural value to the City with investment in SA1 providing a significant potential  environment to support growth of micro-businesses and new enterprise education initiatives within the City.

The long term goal is to create a Swansea Waterfront Innovation Quarter that will be situated in a vibrant, modern waterfront location with easy access to the City centre. Key aims will be to:

1.         Support and enhance the student experience
2.         Contribute to the viability and ongoing sustainability of the University
3.         Stimulate investment and economic benefits to Swansea, Swansea Bay Region and beyond
4.         Provide opportunities for diversifying income streams as the University effectively becomes a private sector institution
5.         Establish a substantial University presence in the SA1 Waterfront area by 2018

How to Book: To reserve your place please email CEWales Events stating your full contact details and the names of all delegates wishing to attend. Substitution of delegates can be made at any time.

Non-attendance by any registered delegate will be charged in full unless you have informed us by Tuesday 17th March.

To become a Best Practice Club member visit our club page for details.

Payments can now be made by credit/debit card.

We confirm numbers to the venue the day before the event and as numbers cannot be amended after that date we are charged in full for that amount. In order to reduce wastage at our events CEW operates a policy of only notifying venue details when issuing registration confirmation. This ensures we only cater for delegates who have registered and don’t over order for individuals who may or may not turn up on the day.

CEWales Website

Teitl: Clwb Arfer Gorau De Orllewin Cymru - Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant
Dyddiad: Dydd Iau 19 Mawrth
Lleoliad: Abertawe
Amser: Cofrestru 07:30 gyda rholiau te, coffi a bacwn ar gyfer dechrau 08:15, gorffen 09:30
Cost: Am ddim i Aelodau Clwb Arfer Gorau, mae £ 35 (TAW) i nad ydynt yn aelodau

Mae Clwb Arfer Gorau De Orllewin Cymru yn falch o gyhoeddi y cynhelir eu cyfarfod brecwast nesaf gyda Phrifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant. Dewch i wrando ar Jane Davidson (Dirprwy Is Ganghellor Cysylltiol – Cynaliadwyedd ac Ymgysylltu) a’r cyfarwyddwr prosiect gyda chyfrifoldeb am gyflawni’r cynllun cyffrous hwn.

I gefnogi strategaeth uchelgeisiol ar gyfer ei heiddo yn Abertawe mae Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant yn bwriadu datblygu rhannau helaeth o’r tir sy’n weddill yn ardal Glan-y-Dŵr SA1, Abertawe. Treuliwyd cyfnod yn paratoi cynlluniau er mwyn adnabod yr ardaloedd mwyaf priodol ar gyfer gofynion academaidd craidd y Brifysgol. Y bwriad yw creu cyfleusterau pwrpasol ar gyfer dysgu, addysgu ac ymchwil, ynghyd ag adnoddau cymdeithasol, hamdden ac adloniant, yn amodol ar broses ddylunio fanwl.

Bydd datblygiad SA1 yn creu gofod hyblyg ar gyfer addysg ac ymchwil gymhwysol. Caiff y cyfleusterau newydd eu hintegreiddio â byd busnes a’r gymuned ehangach. Bydd yno wasanaethau cefnogi myfyrwyr, undeb myfyrwyr, llyfrgell, cyfleusterau chwaraeon a hamdden - ochr yn ochr neu wedi eu hintegreiddio ag adnoddau cymunedol a masnachol eraill. Gallai fod cyfle i ddatblygu llety preswyl modern i fyfyrwyr ar y campws, ynghyd â thai dinesig eraill. Efallai hefyd y gellir rhannu cyfleusterau a gwasanaethau drwy gydleoli â phartneriaid Addysg Bellach.

Bwriad y Brifysgol yw creu cyd-destun economaidd a chymdeithasol a fydd yn ychwanegu gwerth economaidd a chymdeithasol i ddinas Abertawe. Bydd SA1 yn cynnig amgylchedd ag iddo botensial cryf i gefnogi twf micro fusnesau a chyfleoedd newydd ar gyfer addysg fenter yn y ddinas.

Y nod tymor hir yw creu Ardal Arloesedd yng Nglan-y-Dŵr, Abertawe a fydd yn lle bywiog, cyffrous a modern o fewn cyrraedd rhwydd i ganol y ddinas. Yr amcanion allweddol yw:

  1. Cefnogi ac ehangu profiadau myfyrwyr
  2. Cyfrannu at hyfywdra a chynaliadwyedd y Brifysgol i’r dyfodol
  3. Sbarduno buddsoddiad a budd economaidd Abertawe, Rhanbarth Bae Abertawe a thu hwnt
  4. Cynyddu’r amrywiaeth o ffynonellau incwm wrth i’r Brifysgol ddod i bob pwrpas yn sefydliad sector preifat
  5. Sefydlu presenoldeb Prifysgol sylweddol yn ardal Glan-y Dŵr SA1 erbyn 2018.

Sut i archebu lle: Mae'r digwyddiad hwn yn rhad ac am ddim, ond rhaid i chi gofrestru o flaen llaw. Gyrrwch ebost at CEWales Digwyddiadau gan nodi eich manylion cyswllt yn llawn ac enwi pawb sy’n dymuno mynychu. Gallwch newid eich cynrychiolydd ar unrhyw adeg.

Codir £30 ar unrhyw gynrychiolydd cofrestredig na fydd yn bresennol oni roddir gwybod i ni erbyn Dydd Mawrth 17 Mawrth.

I ddod yn aelod o’r Clwb Arferion Gorau ewch at Dudalen y Clwb am fanylion. Mae modd yn awr talu trwy gerdyn credyd/debyd.

Er mwyn lleihau gwastraff yn ein digwyddiadau, mae gan CEW bolisi o roi gwybod am fanylion y lleoliad yn unig wrth anfon cadarnhad cofrestru. Mae hyn yn fodd o sicrhau ein bod yn darparu ar gyfer cynrychiolwyr sydd wedi cofrestru ac nad ydym yn gor-archebu ar gyfer unigolion a all ymddangos neu beidio ar y diwrnod.

CEWales Gwefan


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