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South East Wales Best Practice Club: Procurement Choices and Contracting Processes with Dr Jonathan Gosling, Senior Lecturer in Supply Chain Management, Cardiff Business School

Title: South East Wales Best Practice Club: Procurement Choices and Contracting Processes with Dr Jonathan Gosling, Senior Lecturer in Supply Chain Management, Cardiff Business School
Date: Monday 15th May 2017
Time: 8am arrival – start 8.30am, finish approx.9.30am
Location: Cardiff
Cost: Free for club members, £35 plus VAT for non members

The South East Best Practice Club are pleased to present their next breakfast event with Dr Jonathan Gosling, Senior Lecturer in Supply Chain Management, Cardiff Business School. Procurement choices and contracting processes can affect the behaviour of different organisations right across the supply chain. This is because it establishes the underlying incentivisation mechanisms, conditions and overall relational climate for a project, which then trickles down to the different levels in the supply chain. But what type of contracting approach should be adopted? And does it apply to all situations?

They embarked on a research programme over 2014-2015, funded by Highways England, and in partnership with Costain, as well as NEC, to seek answers to these questions within the context of major infrastructure schemes. This has resulted in a contracting guide for Highways England, a range of academic papers, as well as presentations to industry audiences.

Their intention is to squeeze as much insight from the above into this breakfast slot, so we envisage that, after the breakfast session, you will have a better understanding of:

  • the typical contractual pitfalls and issues experienced by the supply chain
  • appropriate governance of major engineering projects, including contractual mechanisms and relational approaches
  • how the uniqueness of the engineering solution relates to contract types
  • the need for continuous improvement and review processes for contracting

How to Book: To reserve your place please email CEWales Events stating your full contact details and the names of all delegates wishing to attend.

To become a club member please visit our Best Practice Club.

Non-attendance by any registered delegate will be charged in full unless you have informed us prior to the event.

In order to reduce wastage at our events CEW operates a policy of only notifying venue details when issuing registration confirmation. This ensures we only cater for delegates who have registered and don't over order for individuals who may or may not turn up on the day.

Vist our website

Teitl: Clwb Arfer Gorau De Ddwyrain Cymru, Dewisiadau Caffael a Phrosesau Contractio gyda Dr Jonathan Gosling, Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Rheoli Cadwyni Cyflenwi, Ysgol Fusnes Caerdydd
Dyddiad: Dydd Llun 15 Mai
Lleoliad: Caerdydd
Amswer: Cyraedd 8, dechrau 8.30 a gorffen tua 9.30
Cost: Am ddim i aelodau'r clwb /£35 a TAW am nad ydynt yn aelodau 

Mae Clwb Arfer Gorau De Ddwyrain Cymru yn falch o gyhoeddi y bydd eu cyfarfod brecwast nesaf gyda Dr Jonathan Gosling, Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Rheoli Cadwyni Cyflenwi, Ysgol Fusnes Caerdydd. Gall Dewisiadau Caffael a Phrosesau Contractio effeithio ar ymddygiad sefydliadau a chwmnïau ar draws yr holl gadwyn gyflenwi. Nhw sy’n sefydlu’r mecanweithiau cymell sylfaenol, yr amodau a holl hinsawdd y berthynas rhwng y rhai sy’n ymwneud â’r prosiect. Bydd hyn yn ei dro’n rhaeadru lawr i wahanol lefelau’r gadwyn gyflenwi. Ond sut orau y dylid gweithredu wrth osod contractau? Ac a ellir dilyn yr un drefn ym mhob sefyllfa?

Yn ystod 2014-2015, buom yn cynnal rhaglen ymchwil yn cael ei noddi gan Highways England, ac mewn partneriaeth â Costain ac NEC, i geisio ateb y cwestiynau hyn yn achos prif gynlluniau seilwaith (major infrastructure schemes). Ffrwyth yr ymchwil oedd llunio canllaw contractio ar gyfer Highways England, ynghyd â chyfres o bapurau academaidd a chyflwyniadau i ddiwydianwyr.

Ein bwriad yw dysgu cyn gymaint â phosibl yn ystod y cyfarfod brecwast hwn. Erbyn diwedd y bore bydd gennych lawer gwell dealltwriaeth o’r canlynol:

  • Y peryglon nodweddiadol wrth osod contractau a’r anawsterau a wynebir gan y gadwyn gyflenwi
  • sut i lywodraethu prif gynlluniau peirianneg mewn ffordd briodol, yn cynnwys mecanweithiau cytundebol a sefydlu cydberthynas adeiladol
  • y berthynas rhwng natur unigryw datrysiadau peirianyddol a gwahanol fathau o gontractau
  • yr angen i sicrhau gwelliannau parhaus ac adolygu eich prosesau contractio 

Sut i archebu lle: Mae'r digwyddiad hwn yn rhad ac am ddim, ond rhaid i chi gofrestru o flaen llaw. Gyrrwch ebost at CEWales Digwyddiadau gan nodi eich manylion cyswllt yn llawn ac enwi pawb sy’n dymuno mynychu. Gallwch newid eich cynrychiolydd ar unrhyw adeg.

Codir diffyg presenoldeb gan unrhyw gynrychiolydd cofrestredig yn llawn oni bai eich bod wedi hysbysu ein cyn y digwyddiad.

Er mwyn lleihau gwastraff yn ein digwyddiadau, mae CEW yn gweithredu polisi o gadarnhau manylion y lleoliad ar ôl cofrestru’n unig. Bydd hyn yn sicrhau mai dim ond ar gyfer y rhai sydd wedi cofrestru y byddwn yn darparu ac nad ydym yn gor-archebu ar gyfer unigolion a allasai ddod heb archebu lle, neu rai nad ydynt yn.

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