In this issue
Going Nuclear in North Wales
The Proof of the Pudding
(I&C) Waste Generation Survey and (C&D) Waste Generation Surveys 2012

Certified European Passive House Designer Course - Swansea

Title: Certified European Passive House Designer Course
Date: Module 1: 21st July – 24th July 2014/Module 2: 29th July – 1st August 2014/Exam: 18th October 2014
Time: 9am – 5pm
Location: BRE Wales & South West, Ethos, Kings Road, Swansea Waterfront, SA1 8AS
Cost: £1,930.00/ RIAS/RIBA/CIBSE/AECB/ CIAT/Passivhaus Trust members: £1,780.00

The Passivhaus Standard is the fastest growing low energy standard in Europe with over 30,000 building realised to date, with many more currently being designed and constructed. Passivhaus buildings have a high level of indoor air quality and roughly achieve a 75% reduction in space heating requirements compared to the standard practice for UK new build.

The Certified Passivhaus Designer qualification is aimed at Architects and Energy Consultants with existing experience in designing and delivering low-energy buildings. The course provides candidates with all of the skills necessary to successfully design and deliver buildings to the Passivhaus standard

For more information and to register visit the BRE website

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