In this issue
Are You Going to be a CEW Award Winner?
Sprinklers to Play Key Role in Fire Safety
Ministerial Launch of Built Environment Sustainability Training
£76.5m Cash Injection to Boost Construction
Working Together to Deliver a Vision for Wales
How to Improve on Site Spillage, Run Off and Building Pollution
CECA Points the Way For the Route Out of Recession
BIM Programme Passes It's Anniversary Event – Over a Year of BIM!

How to Improve on Site Spillage, Run Off and Building Pollution

Construction is still a major polluter: here are some top tips to help clean up the industry.

The construction industry is a major source of pollution. Individual builders, small/medium enterprises and larger companies are all responsible for the impact they have on the environment. Every year, Natural Resources Wales (previously the Environment Agency) responds to as many as 350 pollution incidents caused by construction. Furthermore, construction, demolition and excavation waste is often found in illegal waste sites; an ‘invisible’ source of environmental pollution from the construction sector.

Construction must perform better. So, the best place to start is by checking out the new Natural Resources Wales guidance for construction companies. It is a big document, but contains simple and effective advice. Day to day prevention of spills can help to reduce financial losses to your business and the risks to the environment. This guide provides advice from specialists at managerial and site level within the construction industry on:
• the common spill threats and the costs
• different types of hazards and how they should be classified
• preventing spills with limited finances
• understanding the effect of environmental damage spills can cause

Please visit the Natural Resources Wales website for information, or call our sustainability and waste teams on 02920 493322 at CEW.



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