Welsh flyer below / Hysbyseb Cymraeg Islaw
Title: Llanwern High School Post Occupancy Exemplar Event - Presentation and Tour
Date: Wednesday 4th June 2014
Location: Newport
Time: 3.30pm – 6pm
Cost: Free
This is your opportunity to learn how Newport City Council, Leadbitter, HLM Architects and their other partners have delivered an Exemplar project based on the core Constructing Excellence principles of collaboration, integrated teams, committed leadership and respect for people.
The project, which was completed in 2012, has created a new community focused Secondary School which has led to increased educational performance, higher pupil intake, greater community engagement and increased regeneration of the area. Significant social benefits were derived during the construction stage through engagement with local schools, recruitment and up-skilling of economically inactive individuals and business opportunities for local suppliers. These social benefits are continuing through the active community use of these facilities. Significant environmental benefits are also being experienced through the increased energy performance of the assets.
This is your opportunity to hear from:
• the head teacher on the impact on pupils, teachers and educational outcomes
• the local authority client on the impact on the community
• the facilities management and maintenance team on whole life cost implication and how technology is supporting energy performance and costs
• the delivery team on how they achieved all of this and what lessons have been learnt
This project was put forward as part of the Constructing Excellence in Wales Exemplar Programme so that others can learn from the actions taken by the team to deliver economic, social and environmental benefits. Copies of the post-occupation case study will be available on the day.
Who should attend?
• Clients and procurers – to learn how to build a strong team from an early stage to deliver greater value
• Contractors and Consultants – to better understand how their culture and behaviour can positively support clients and procurers in developing successful projects
• Facilities managers and maintenance teams - to consider the impact of the design and construction stages on the whole life costs of the asset.
• Education Officers and School Staff – to hear how educational outcomes can be inspired through better buildings and how they can influence them.
How to Book: To reserve your place please email CEWales Events stating your full contact details and the names of all delegates wishing to attend. Substitution of delegates can be made at any time.
To become a Best Practice Club member visit our Club Page for details. Payments can now be made by credit/debit card.
Non-attendance by any registered delegate will be charged £20 unless you have informed us by Wednesday Monday 2nd June.
In order to reduce wastage at our events CEW operates a policy of only notifying venue details when issuing registration confirmation. This ensures we only cater for delegates who have registered and don’t over order for individuals who may or may not turn up on the day.
CEWales Website
Teitl: Ysgol Uwchradd Llanwern– ‘’Y canlyniadau sy’n cyfrif!’’
Dyddiad: Mercher 4th Mehefin
Lleoliad: Casnewydd
Amser: 3.45pm - 5.30pm
Cost: Am ddim
Cyfle ichi ddysgu sut y bu i Gyngor Dinas Casnewydd, Leadbitter, y Penseiri HLM a phartneriaid eraill weithredu prosiect sy’n enghraifft dda o gydweithredu, timau integredig, arweinwyr ymrwymedig a pharch at bobl.
Cwblhawyd y prosiect yn 2012 gan greu ysgol uwchradd newydd â’i ffocws ar y gymuned. Arweiniodd y prosiect at well perfformiad addysgol, cynnydd yn nifer y disgyblion, perthynas gryfach â’r gymuned a hwb i adfywio’r ardal. Cafwyd manteision cymdeithasol sylweddol yn ystod y cyfnod adeiladu drwy ymwneud ag ysgolion lleol, recriwtio ac uwchsgilio unigolion economaidd anweithredol. Darparwyd cyfleoedd busnes i gyflenwyr lleol. Mae’r manteision hyn yn parhau wrth i’r gymuned wneud defnydd helaeth o’r cyfleusterau. Cafwyd manteision amgylcheddol pwysig hefyd wrth i’r ased newydd ddefnyddio ynni’n fwy effeithiol.
Yn y cyfarfod cewch gyfle i glywed oddi wrth:
• bennaeth yr ysgol am yr effaith ar ddisgyblion, athrawon a chanlyniadau addysgol
• yr awdurdod lleol am yr effaith ar y gymuned
• rheolwyr a thîm cynnal a chadw’r ysgol am gostau oes gyfan yr ased a’r modd y mae technoleg yn helpu i leihau’r defnydd o ynni a chostau eraill
• y tîm gweithredu am y modd y cyflawnwyd hyn oll, a pha wersi a ddysgwyd
Mae CEW (Adeiladu Arbenigrwydd yng Nghymru) wedi cynnwys y prosiect yn eu Rhaglen Enghreifftiau Da fel bod pawb yn medru dysgu oddi wrth y modd y llwyddodd y tîm i greu manteision economaidd, cymdeithasol ac economaidd. Bydd copïau o’r astudiaeth achos a baratowyd ar ôl meddiannu’r adeilad ar gael yn y cyfarfod.
Pwy ddylai fod yno?
• Cleientiaid a Swyddogion Caffael – i ddysgu sut i adeiladu tîm cryf o’r dechrau cyntaf er mwyn cael y gwerth mwyaf o’r prosiect
• Contractwyr ac Ymgynghorwyr – er mwyn deall yn well sut y gall eu diwylliant ac ymddygiad gefnogi cleientiaid a swyddogion caffael i ddatblygu prosiectau llwyddiannus
• Rheolwyr Cyfleusterau a Thimau Cynnal a Chadw – i ystyried sut y gall y cyfnodau dylunio ac adeiladu effeithio ar gostau rhedeg oes gyfan yr ased
• Swyddogion Addysg a Staff Ysgol – i ddysgu sut y gall adeiladau gwell arwain at ganlyniadau addysgol gwell.
Sut i archebu lle: Mae'r digwyddiad hwn yn rhad ac am ddim, ond rhaid i chi gofrestru o flaen llaw. Gyrrwch ebost at CEWales Digwyddiadau gan nodi eich manylion cyswllt yn llawn ac enwi pawb sy’n dymuno mynychu. Gallwch newid eich cynrychiolydd ar unrhyw adeg.
I ymaelodi â’r Clwb Arfer Gorau ewch i Dudalen y Clwb am fwy o fanylion.
Bydd diffyg presenoldeb gan unrhyw aelod o'r clwb cofrestredig yn cael ei godi £20 oni bai eich bod wedi dweud wrthym erbyn Dydd Llun 2 Mehefin 2014.
Er mwyn lleihau gwastraff yn ein digwyddiadau, mae CEW yn gweithredu polisi o gadarnhau manylion y lleoliad ar ôl cofrestru’n unig. Bydd hyn yn sicrhau mai dim ond ar gyfer y rhai sydd wedi cofrestru y byddwn yn darparu ac nad ydym yn gor-archebu ar gyfer unigolion a allasai ddod heb archebu lle, neu rai nad ydynt yn troi fyny ar y diwrnod.
CEWales Gwefan