Title: G4C Wales Summer Barbeque!
Date: Thursday 30th July 2015
Location: Cardiff
Time: 5.30pm until late
Cost: £5 (this will be donated to our nominated charity EFOD)
We want to welcome the Welsh summer amongst friends, colleagues and peers from across Welsh construction. Come along to the G4C summer BBQ on 30th July to receive an update on the forthcoming G4C Wales Manifesto and also enjoy the chance to network. As with all of the G4C events it is a great chance to meet with people drawn from all aspects of the supply chain to build relationships with experienced professionals and develop some of the crucial soft, behavioural skills needed by the future leaders of construction in Wales.
For further information on our nominated charity click here
How to Book: To reserve your place please reply to cewalesevents stating your full contact details and the names of all delegates wishing to attend. Substitution of delegates can be made at any time.
Follow us on twitter @CEWales