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Building a Sustainable Education
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Morriston Comprehensive School - Exemplar Presentation and Tour – 10th April

Title: Morriston Comprehensive School - Exemplar Presentation and Tour
Date: Thursday 10th April 2014
Location: Morriston, Swansea
Time: Refreshments and registration will be from 3.30pm and the event will commence at 4.00pm with a presentation by the team followed by a tour of the site.
Cost: Free

The value a whole team brings to the challenges of delivering high educational outcomes

This £22million investment in Morriston Comprehensive offers a unique opportunity to raise standards across the age and ability range in line with the Welsh Government transformational agenda, while at the same time improving the poor condition of the existing school buildings through the provision of a state of the art teaching facility.

The project represents one of the highest priority projects in the City and County of Swansea's Quality in Education (QEd) 2020 Programme and Welsh Government 21st Century Schools Programme which seeks to transform learning environments for children and young people while at the same time offering economic regeneration opportunities for the local community.
Lessons learnt from previous school building projects have driven the client to a more collaborative and integrated approach to project delivery. This project represents a further step change with greater focus on engagement with the school end users, with the primary objective of raising standards and achieving better educational outcomes.
The project aims to overcome the following challenges:

  • Site constraints resulting in the need to support a previous £3million investment in a new science block completed at Morriston in 2006. This has significant logistical implications for the new build strategy which will be governed by the need to build around the existing school footprint. This creates significant health and safety and operational challenges with demolition and construction activities on a live school and leisure centre site.

  • Generating local opportunities to meet the City and County of Swansea’s and the Welsh Governments Community Benefit targets to maximise investment in the local economy through employment opportunities, up-skilling of existing workforce and use of local contractors.

  • Flexibility in delivering approved educational outcomes to ensure that the building supports the delivery of educational outcomes for both the present and future learning needs.

  • Regional collaborative procurement to ensure that the project uses collaborative procurement methodology to embed sustainability features and support the use of the SWW regional framework.

Why should you attend?

  • Educational offices and schools staff – to hear how educational outcomes are captured and are used to influence the delivery of major school construction projects.

  • Local Authority Contractor Clients – to understand how collaborative procurement arrangements and early contractor involvement can maximise value and meet a broad range of local outcomes.

  • Designers and Contractors – to hear how a design and construction team have worked collaboratively with stakeholders to deliver a challenging set of objectives alongside a major construction project.

Refreshments and registration will be from 3.30pm and the event will commence at 4.00pm with a presentation by the team followed by a tour of the site. The event will conclude at approximately 6.00pm.

How to Book:  This event is free of charge but you must register in advance. To reserve your place please email  stating your full contact details and the names of all delegates wishing to attend. Substitution of delegates can be made at any time.

Non-attendance by any registered delegate will be charged £20 unless you have informed us by Wednesday 9th April 2014.

In order to reduce wastage at our events CEW operates a policy of only notifying venue details when issuing registration confirmation. This ensures we only cater for delegates who have registered and don’t over order for individuals who may or may not turn up on the day.

CEWales Website

Teitl: Ysgol Gyfun Treforys – Cyflwyniad enghreifftiol a thaith o amgylch y sefydliad
Dyddiad: Dydd Iau, 10 Ebrill 2014
Lleoliad: Morriston, Swansea
Amser: Bydd lluniaeth a chofrestru o 3.30pm a bydd y digwyddiad yn dechrau am 4.00pm gyda chyflwyniad gan y tîm ac yna taith o gwmpas y safle.
Cost: Am Ddim

Pwysigrwydd gweithredu ar sail tîm cyfan i sicrhau canlyniadau addysgol o ansawdd uchel 

Mae’r buddsoddiad £22 miliwn hwn yn Ysgol Gyfun Treforys yn gyfle unigryw i godi safonau ar draws pob oedran a gallu, yn unol ag Agenda Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer Gweddnewid. Ar yr un pryd bydd yn gwella ansawdd gwael adeiladau’r ysgol a chreu adnodd dysgu cwbl gyfoes a modern.

Y prosiect hwn yw un o brif flaenoriaethau Rhaglen Ansawdd mewn Addysg 2020 Dinas a Sir Abertawe a Rhaglen Ysgolion y 21 Ganrif Llywodraeth Cymru. Mae’n ceisio trawsnewid amgylcheddau dysgu i blant a phobl ifanc a chynnig cyfleoedd adfywio economaidd i’r gymuned leol yr un pryd.

Gan ddysgu o brofiad prosiectau adeiladu ysgolion blaenorol, mae’r cleient yn gweithredu’r prosiect mewn ffordd fwy cydweithredol ac integredig. Mae’n enghraifft o newid sylfaenol yn ein ffordd o weithio. Bellach rhoddir mwy o ffocws ar lais a barn y rhai fydd yn defnyddio’r adeilad yn y pen draw. Y prif nod yw codi safonau a chyflawni gwell canlyniadau addysgol.
Mae’r prosiect yn ceisio goresgyn yr heriau canlynol:

  • Cyfyngiadau safle lle’r oedd yn rhaid cefnogi buddsoddiad blaenorol o £3 miliwn mewn bloc gwyddoniaeth newydd a gwblhawyd yn Nhreforys yn 2006. Golyga hyn oblygiadau logistaidd arwyddocaol i strategaeth yr adeilad newydd oherwydd yr angen i adeiladu o amgylch ôl traed presennol yr ysgol. Mae’n creu heriau arwyddocaol o ran iechyd a diogelwch a dulliau gweithredu gan fod y gwaith dymchwel ac adeiladu’n digwydd ar safle ysgol a chanolfan hamdden “fyw”.

  • Creu cyfleoedd i gwrdd â thargedau Budd Cymunedol Dinas a Sir Abertawe a Llywodraeth Cymru fel bod y budd mwyaf yn deillio i’r economi leol drwy gyfleoedd gwaith, uwch sgilio’r gweithlu presennol a defnyddio contractwyr lleol.

  • Cyflawni’r canlyniadau addysgol dymunol mewn ffordd hyblyg fel bod yr adeilad yn cwrdd â gofynion addysgol y presennol ac anghenion dysgu’r dyfodol.

  • Caffael cydweithredol rhanbarthol i sicrhau fod y prosiect yn defnyddio methodoleg caffael cydweithredol i ymgorffori nodweddion cynaliadwyedd a chefnogi’r defnydd o fframwaith rhanbarthol De Orllewin Cymru.

Pwy ddylai ddod i’r digwyddiad hwn?

  • Swyddogion addysg a staff ysgol – i glywed sut y caiff y canlyniadau addysgol dymunol eu hadnabod a’u defnyddio i ddylanwadu ar brosiectau adeiladu ysgolion mawr.

  • Client-Gontractwyr Awdurdodau Lleol – i ddeall sut y gall trefniadau caffael cydweithredol ac ymwneud cynnar â chontractwyr sicrhau’r gwerth mwyaf, ynghyd â chwrdd ag amrywiaeth eang o ddeilliannau lleol.

  • Dylunwyr a Chontractwyr – i glywed sut y gall tîm dylunio ac adeiladu gydweithio’n effeithiol â rhanddeiliaid i gyflawni cyfres o amcanion heriol fel rhan o brosiect adeiladu mawr

Bydd lluniaeth a chofrestru o 3.30pm ymlaen. Bydd y cyfarfod yn dechrau am 4.00pm gyda chyflwyniad gan y tîm ac yna taith o amgylch y safle. Daw’r cyfarfod i ben tua 6.00pm.

Sut i archebu lle: Mae'r digwyddiad hwn yn rhad ac am ddim, ond rhaid i chi gofrestru o flaen llaw. Gyrrwch ebost at CEWales Digwyddiadau gan nodi eich manylion cyswllt yn llawn ac enwi pawb sy’n dymuno mynychu. Gallwch newid eich cynrychiolydd ar unrhyw adeg.

Bydd diffyg presenoldeb gan unrhyw aelod o'r clwb cofrestredig yn cael ei godi £20 oni bai eich bod wedi dweud wrthym erbyn Dydd Mercher 9 o Ebrill.

Er mwyn lleihau gwastraff yn ein digwyddiadau, mae CEW yn gweithredu polisi o gadarnhau manylion y lleoliad ar ôl cofrestru’n unig. Bydd hyn yn sicrhau mai dim ond ar gyfer y rhai sydd wedi cofrestru y byddwn yn darparu ac nad ydym yn gor-archebu ar gyfer unigolion a allasai ddod heb archebu lle, neu rai nad ydynt yn troi fyny ar y diwrnod.


CEWales Gwefan

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