Ongoing research is putting more detail on the four-year forward programme of planned local authority capital works – almost another £2BN of detail.
Everyone in business and construction prefers to know what the future looks like – it allows us all to prepare, allocate resources and recruit the right people in good time.
It was also a critical element within the No Turning Back recommendations and the actions of the Construction Procurement Task Group (CPTG). That’s why, in an ongoing mission to improve the visibility of public sector construction programmes CEW, through the CPTG working in partnership with the WLGA, produces an annual four-year forward programme of planned local authority capital works.
The last four-year programme was produced in August 2015 – what we have here is a preview of an update on the programme that’s due for publication in March. The key point is that the visibility of the programme we are capturing is up considerably (now £3.8BN) from when we started four years ago, when the figures only pointed to about £2BN of work – almost £2BN more.
The headline numbers are these:
- 4-year programme is now £3.8bn (extra £900m across the 4 years)
- Extra £300m in 2015/16
- Extra £500m in Housing across the 4 years
- Extra £140m in Education across the 4 years, though £100m less in 15/16 (slippage) into later years
- Extra £90m in Highways over the 4 years
The data covers the period from 2015 to 2019 and points to a considerable pipeline of work coming down the line. The trick of course is for everyone involved to work collaboratively to make sure as much of the predicted work turns into real tangible and sustainable projects.
We will publish the update again in more detail in the newsletter in a week or so. If you want more details and you want to find out how we go about collecting the data, please contact CEW