In this issue
What Kind of Wales do you Want To Build?
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Wales what do you want? Depending on the intonation and emphasis used when asking that question it can appear flippant, or perhaps even strident. When put in context alongside discussions about the sustainability agenda, social value and inclusivity of minorities, the disabled and disadvantaged the question can provoke a major debate.

That was the thinking behind the G4C discussion last week.

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What Kind of Wales do you Want To Build?

Building for our future is an important goal for CEW and the whole industry. It cannot be taken for granted and we want to engage the young and new professional in Welsh construction and tie them into debates such as the Future Generations Bill.

That was exactly what happened at last week’s G4C Wales event in Cardiff, when Peter Davies, Chairman Climate Change Commission for Wales/Sustainable Futures Commissioner Cynnal Cymru, Sustain Wales led a discussion about the Future Generations Bill. Peter linked the conversation to the national debate on the Wales we Want – an opportunity to shape the long term goals for Wales and set the measures that matter.

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